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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 00:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 15:31

1.social practice
2.marital status
4.economic bachelor's degree (shangdong agricultural university)&Dipl-Kaufmann(FH)
5.Academicians learn economic foundation courses, including national economics, accountancy, cost accounting, statistics, business organization and management, procurement / proction / sales, human resources, investment and finance, data processing, economic Law, corporation revenue , applied mathematics,which are teached in Shandong agricultural university by teachers from German.

6.Academicians who pass the exam will be enroll in FACHHOCHSCHULE FUER OEKONOMIE UND MANAGEMENT ESSEN in German. There they major in international economy and trade &international trade management. the subsidiary subjects are accounting, project management, enterprise management (investment, market analysis, balance sheet analysis, enterprise optimization, etc.).
7.language level and other correlative ability

8.fluent German(both written German and oral German) .
Economic German must be Skilled mastered.
English can be used for daily communication.
Can expertly operate Microsoft Office whose language system is chinese-german-english.

9. scholarship and punishment :Third class scholarships 2 times ,second class scholarships once.

10. i have carried out several Work-study activities ring summer vacation and winter vacation

I'm of Prudent character ,courtesy and polite, patient.I can often accept new things.I have been taking part in Social practices and Work-study activities actively from 4 years before. Those help me to prepare for Social integration.Now, i'm a person of right phiosophy .I have being Outstanding in the university. I'm good at learning,self-study and can take what i learn into practice .after a year studied abroad,i have learned more about my speciality and my language level arose, however ,I cultivate a good team spirit and learned a lot about how to communicate with others.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 15:31


in the past several months, I tried my best to make breakthrough in my English ability. Now my English ability has enhanced into a brand-new level and I'm sure that i can adapt myself to the future studying challenge. During this period of ...


If you are a little fish in the ocean, then I will be a shark, swimming by your side everyday!If you are a little fish in the pond, then I will be a frog, singing with you everyday!


1、 打开百度搜索框,如下图所示:2、输入“百度翻译”关键词,如下图所示:3、在文字框里输入要翻译的文字,如下图所示:4、 选择要翻译成的语言,如下图所示:5 、点击“百度翻译”功能键,如下图所示:6 、查看翻译结果,如下图所示:...


Don't worry, breakfast was immediately provide This must be done today This car is made in China He has been sent to hospital This seat is taken The seat's saved?My work has been finished. 望采纳!


We have noticed the schedule of your company.We have arranged other work in week 42, so I wonder if it can be postponed to week 43.If it has to be on week 42, I hope the part we are taking in can be arranged on October 19th and 20th.


(我曾经爱过,爱上了,我曾经爱过)In the parking lot Almost 10 o'clock We went for one last walk 快十点了,在停车场我们常常最后一个走 I couldn't stop Thinkin' if I should try A kiss goodbye 我忍不住去想那时我要是给你一个吻别该有多好 (I was fallin', fallin' I was ...


3. The resident manager lives in Room 129, near the lobby entrance, and may be reached by dialing 9-5226. Please contact the manager if you have any questions or needs after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and throughout weekend stays.客房部经理住在大厅入口旁的129室,您可以拨打9-5226...


以WPS 2019版为例,有两种办法供参考 第一种方法:全文翻译 1. 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“全文翻译”2. 在弹出框根据需求进行选择,点击开始翻译即可 第二种方法:划词翻译 打开文档,依次点击“特色应用”—“划词翻译”,鼠标划选文字就可以显示查词,翻译结果~...


sad, they were jelous of me!初一 - first year of Junior High (school)初三 - third year of Junior High (school)高一 - first year of Senior High (school)高一下学期 - first semester/term of first year in Senior High (school)中考 - entrance examination of Junior High school ...


1.It's very hard for him to learn English.2.He has got many friends here.3.--What do you usually have for your dinner?--Bread and Vegetable.4.Does Tony like eating chips?Yes,he likes it very much.1.Where does your father have lunch?2.Does Sally like fruit?3.What do...

follow the doctor's advice为什么加's ...张娜拉的一首歌 我想学这首歌,把歌词转换成中文的,但是唱出来让人感... 我有一辆宝骏530车,外地牌子,在济南找工作带车,能干什么工作... 怎样判断小米路由器的指示灯是什么颜色的? 定期储蓄存单是什么 小型天文卫星携带仪器 公司给入了工伤保险保险公司问我要我的社保卡做什么可以吗? 出下列各种烷烃的结构简式(1)2,3,3-三甲基戊烷:___(2)2,3-二甲基-4... 我叫邢轲轲 女 英文怎么起个名字呢 类似kiki coco的英文名,哪些好? 在1号店卖了东西如何退款?谢谢! 背部腰部肌肉怎么锻炼 腰背肌的锻炼,可以用哪些方式? excel隐藏列保护加密 excel 2007 如何加密隐藏的单元格(行、列)? 如何在excel工作表中的单元格隐藏编辑公式并加密? 如何给excel表格,单一的表格加密,而不是整个工作簿加密 Excel表格怎样加密来保护公式... 怎么excel表格列表里隐藏加密 如何隐藏或加密Excel的某个工作表? 请问EXCEL表格里如何对一列单元格加密并隐藏这一列? 如何练习腰部肌肉与后背肌肉大神们帮帮忙 求锻炼腰部和背部肌肉的方法,简单有效 如何锻炼腰,背部,和肩部的肌肉 《光遇》雨林帮助哪位先祖才能打开通道? 怎么锻炼腰背部的肌肉? 背部肌肉和腰部肌肉如何锻炼?就是强化肌肉那种 光遇雨林换脸的先祖 《光遇》云野的八个先祖分别在哪? ‘如何锻炼腰背肌肉、? 微信绑定QQ号怎么绑定? 为什么我的微信绑定不了手机了 是怎么回事? 怎么绑定 电脑administrator设了密码,电脑是Win7旗舰版,忘记了密码,怎么办? win7旗舰版Administrator登陆密码忘记了怎么办? Windows7旗舰版用户名为Administrator的原始密码是多少 win7旗舰版administrator的密码是什么,刚重装系统,进不去电脑系统,直接... 屏幕录制怎么弄? windows7旗舰版忘记超级管理员密码 小米note2开发版有录屏功能,但是怎么打开录 我电脑W7旗舰版的管理员密码忘记了,要怎么重设呀 win7旗舰版系统怎么设置管理员密码? win7旗舰版管理员忘记登录密码怎么办呢? win7旗舰版电脑忘记administrator登录密码怎么办,只有这一用户名 老哥、win7旗舰版 超级管理员密码忘了怎么做? 联想笔记本WIN7旗舰版忘记管理员密码,怎么办? 小米手机游戏里面录屏怎么关 win7旗舰版忘了管理员密码怎么办? Win7系统管理员忘记密码了,怎么办 win7旗舰版administrator密码忘了怎么办?
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