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谁能用first second 这些顺序词写一篇英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 00:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:34

First boy gets the gold cup. Second boy gets the silver cup. Third boy get the bronze cup. Forth boy get the metal cup. Fifth boy gets the plastic cup. Sixth boy gets the porcelian cup. Seventh boy gets the clay cup. Eight boy gets the wooden cup. Ninth boy gets the paper cup. The tenth boy gets nothing

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:34

First of all,/Firstly,
the first,the second 是形容
he's the first/second to do so.
the first/second thing to be aware of is that...

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:35

In the first few years of my ecation, I have neglected my studies, spent most of my time playing. Now comes the second portion of my ecation, I have found extreme difficulties to catch up.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:35

as we all know that the phenonmonon taht the first the second

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:36

How to survive in an earthquake
Earthquake happens like a thief, with unexpectable happening and threatening power. So how to survive in an earthquake? Here we briefly provide some simple knowledge for reference.

First of all, we suppose that you are in a building and it begins to shake. You should never be panic. Be clear that all gas pipe switches and electronic switches are off.

Second, find a room with rigid structure to get shield. Usually, the toilet room is a good choice. Get in quickly and find something rable to cover your head so as to prevent falling bits from hitting your head.

In general, don't try to escape out of the building if you are not in the ground floor. Don't go out right after the earthquake, because it may happen again in a few minites. Stay where you are to wait for rescue.

谁能用first second 这些顺序词写一篇英语作文

First boy gets the gold cup. Second boy gets the silver cup. Third boy get the bronze cup. Forth boy get the metal cup. Fifth boy gets the plastic cup. Sixth boy gets the porcelian cup. Seventh boy gets the clay cup. Eight boy gets the wooden cup. Ninth boy gets the ...

first second third in conclusion全有的英语作文 急

Dear Tony,There are lots of things you can do.First,you can ride your bike in your neighbourhood and try to find some kids.When you find some,you can go up and talk to them.You should also let your parents know that you want to make friends because they can help you.Se...


Good morning,my dear teachers and schoolmates,It’s a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating classes.How time flies! Our junior high school lives will come to an end.In the past three years, we’ve had a beautiful school and it provides us with a...

用first second写一篇保护苏门羚羊英语作文

First boy gets the gold cup. Second boy gets the silver cup. Third boy get the bronze cup. Forth boy get the metal cup. Fifth boy gets the plastic cup. Sixth boy gets the porcelian cup. Seventh boy gets the clay cup. Eight boy gets the wooden cup. Ninth boy gets the ...

求一篇含有first、second、finally的英语作文!不要太长,短短就行。谢 ...

How to learn betterFirst, we should have a goal;Second, we should make a plan according to the goal, then do it;Finally, we should make the foregoing a continuous cycle, or so-called PDCA cycle.Note: P-Plan; D-Do; C-Check; A-Action.

first second third in conclusion全有的英语作文 急

Dear Tony,There are several activities you can engage in to meet new friends.Firstly, explore your neighborhood on your bike and look for opportunities to interact with children. Remember to inform your parents of your desire to make friends, as they can offer support and guidance....


let me introduce it for you .first,there are too much delicious food in the street.second,people there is very pretty .third,the weather is comfortable ,nither too hot nor too cold.so ,I like changsha very very much.我最喜欢的城市 我最喜欢的城市是长沙的,我出生在长沙,在那里...


第一 -- "first"第二 -- "second"第三 -- "third"例如,如果你要写一篇关于你喜欢的季节的作文,你可以按照以下方式使用“第一、第二、第三”:First, my favorite season is spring. The weather is mild and the flowers are in full bloom. I love seeing the cherry blossoms and tulips...

英语作文:你和你的朋友首先步行到车站,然后乘1路公共汽车在邮局下车,然 ...

First,you should go to the station on foot with your friend。Second,after taking the bus No.1,you should get off at the post office。Then,go straight on the street and turn right at the second crossing。Finally,the bank is behind you and the doctor bookshop is opposite ...

写一篇初二做饺子的英语作文 提示语:First,next,then,after,that_百度...

First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour.The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow.Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky.When the dough is ready,leave it there for use later,then go on to make the fillings.The...

几何e值得买吗 我英语80分左右总是上不去(100分满分)怎么办... 刚绣好的十字绣怎么洗?画过格的 台州温岭第一人民医院有儿科吗 北山职业技术学校有哪些专业? 在温岭市找一份夜里兼职的驶机工作我现白天在厂里开车,想多收入,找... ...网线连接了客厅的路由器再连接到电脑上,卧室用的是和客厅路由器分... ...器放在客厅看电视用,卧室里面我还得再牵一根网线怎么办? ...台式 路由器在客厅距离太远拉网线不方便 卧室里有网线插口 卧室的网 ... 在临海社保缴费了一年后离开没办转移,去宁波参加社保 后又回临海参加社... 苹果平板的酷狗音乐扫一扫在哪里? 谁有比较疯狂的摇滚乐歌曲 全面讲解He __ as a national hero for winning the first gold metal for his country in the Olympics. first-row transition metal 是第一副族过渡金属的意思么 求古装剧90年以后至今的,神话剧,而且是95年前后的最好,呵呵,各位给点意见! 跪求This Is Heavy Metal歌词 08年所有动漫 动画声优朴璐美是男是女 麻烦各位给点好的死亡摇滚和交响摇滚其他的也行`` 谁有死亡重金属的MP3下载网? 摇滚!!! 请推荐一些强力金属音乐 哪个大哥给推荐几首碾核和死亡金属?越是常人难以忍受的越好。追加100分!!! 极端死亡金属乐和歌特音乐.有的进. 怎么把苹果手机里面绑定的支付宝解除? 怎么查看我支付宝对应的银行卡号? 怎么查看支付宝绑定的完整银行卡号? 支付宝怎么查看绑定的银行卡号? 陈慕柳这个名字给女孩起还是男孩起比较好? 除了杨洋以外,名字“倒着念”一模一样的明星,你知道有哪些吗? 苹果手机酷狗的扫一扫登陆在哪 急急急急!!!帮我把这篇文章翻译成英文吧!!! 求翻译,准确的 梦见玉手镯破碎,周公解梦怎么说 寻好听的摇滚类型轻音乐,如<亡灵序曲>,<THE LAST FIRSTBORN>这样的 自己带了个玉手镯,在右手,做梦梦见玉手镯摔碎了,是什么意思?? On 22nd January, 2007, Dave Cornthwaite from the UK became the first person to skateboard acros... 苹果手机qq音乐扫一扫在哪里? 梦到玉镯突然碎了,代表什么 钉钉在线课堂学生如何静音? 梦到玉镯子碎了意味着什么? 钉钉直播手机端可以关掉直播声音吗? 梦见玉手镯碎了!! 我想问一下我我之前用电脑的酷狗音乐扫一扫二维码登录了我的账号,我现在怎么退出来? 梦见自己手上带着别人的玉镯子不小心弄碎了? 使用最新版本的手机酷狗怎么与电脑扫码连接 钉钉直播手机端可以关闭声音吗? 做梦梦到我的玉镯碎了,碎成了玻璃,是什么意思 网易云音乐扫一扫在哪里? 做梦梦到婆婆的手镯碎了,有什么寓意?
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