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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-10 16:41



热心网友 时间:2023-02-14 08:36



  给年轻女孩的建议 The Advices For the Young Girls

  In the history, women used to be looked down upon by men, and they were identified to be the housewife. But today, women are independent and strong. They have their own ability to chase what they want. An interview about the suggestions that were given by the hollywood female stars. No matter which countries they were from, all of them were agreed that every girl should live for herself instead of other people’s expectation. Some girls are easily lost themselves when they see the commercial ads, then they try to be perfect to look like the models. Actually, they are losing their own indiviality and become the ordinary one. Girls don’t have to change themselves to cater for other people, they are special and have their own feature. Just keep these features and make you different.



  公主梦 Princess Dream

  For every girl, when they are very small, their parents treat them as a princess and make up the princess dream for the little girl. The girls read the stories and watch the movies about princess, then they are very fascinated by the princess culture. As they grow up, some girls still think they are the princess and they act as arrogant girls. Disneyland movies promote the princess culture. As a result, those movies show the young girls a wonderful world. Recently, it has been reported that princess culture is harmful to the young girls. They refuse to grow up and don’t learn to take responsibility, because they follow the princess and believe that they should be protected well. The princess stories show the girls the good merits instead of living in an unreal world. Every girl is a princess if they are strong enough.



  朋友的承诺 The Promise of a Friend

  I like to make friends, because I can talk to them and learn from them. But the trustful friends are not easy to make. Luckily, I have one. His name is Li Hua. We knew each other since we were five years old, and he is nice to me all the time. Last week, I lent a book to Li Hua and he promised to return in a week, because I needed that book to finish my homework. Today was the last day and I really needed that book to hand in my hometwork tomorrow. I called Li Hua, but there was no one answered. I must be criticized by my teacher for not finishing homework in time. After dinner, Li Hua came to my house and returned the book. He apologized and explained that his mother was sick. I was so moved for he kept his promise. He was a real friend.


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