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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 18:34



热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 07:52

  On this day young and old will be wearing new clothes, and went to the temple with offerings of food worship monk. The busiest in the New Year or housewife, on New Year's Eve was busy cleaning the inside and outside the home environment, home of the old clothes or the fire burned the old stuff, because according to tradition, if the old stuff or not to throw away unwanted items, then it will bring bad luck. To the April 13 afternoon, people will wash the Buddha, while the younger generation should fragrant water poured in the hands of the elders and parents, on behalf of respect for parents and elders, and pray bless.
  Every year at this time to hold some celebrations in Pattaya, like food shows and parades, beauty pageants and variety of fireworks show. Will be held in Chiang Mai and other beauty pageant and parade in Thailand reverence for his ancestors is very important, so this time people will carry the ashes of their ancestors went to the temple altar to worship ceremony held to pray.
  Songkran The Songkran Festival
  The word "Songkran" originated in Sanskrit, means "across" or "forward", consistent with the Lunar New Year time. When the sun passes by Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces Zodiac, such as the absorption time, each house needs 30 days to run, so a year total Zodiac, the impact of India affected by this lunar calculation, Southeast Asia and some countries such as: Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos and other widely used. April 13 is the "Maha
  Splashing water from the sprinkler earlier ritual elders, the development should now have changed, but now the Songkran Festival in the end who is throwing Who? I watched for a long time the feeling is very casual, it can be said universal equality, seems to have evolved into a very sense of equality a folk. Whoever you want to splash splash who caught who wants to splash on splash, no matter who, regardless of faction, no small government officials, and also whether it is male or female. Of course, anytime, anywhere will be splashing himself to any one person.
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