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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-08 03:47



热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 04:09

1,surf --I like surfing.They live to surf and nothing can stop them.I'm glad the jobs leave my afternoon for surfing.
2.internet --Who can tell me how to make a pen pal on internet?Internet shopping offers a lot of benefits for the shopperit is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,especially books.Internet shopping is sure to bee more and more popular.
3.progrom(应该为program吧)--I've been on a training program recently. group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue,judge a contest,or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
4.result --The accident resulted in three people being killed.Nothing has resulted from his efforts.The result of the game was five-nil / five-nothing.The accident resulted in his death.
5.better-I'll be better tomorrow.The more,the better.I like classical music better than pop music.
6.differentce(拼写错误,应为difference)--There are some differences between you and me.Flowers make no difference to this room. She makes no difference between her two sons.It makes no difference (to me) what you say:I'm not going.
7.yuck--Yuck!there's a cockroach crawl along the wall!有一只蟑螂在墙上爬着!
8.athough(拼写错误,应为although)Although I told the kids not to go near the lake,they went over there anyway.Although she looks fine,she still cries out when nobody is around.I did not open my umbrella although it was raining.I still go to school although I caught a cold yesterday night.I am still hungry although I ate three buns this morning.
好累啊,希望对你能有所帮助!,2,1.I'm having rest on a beach, I hear the surf.
4.I eat a lot of ice-cream, result I have a stomechache.
5.You the better e here and sit here.
7.You're very yuck!
8.The plane has a athough.,1,这个容易:
i can not make sentences with XX.
can you make sentences with XX?
to make sentences with XX is so difficult.
i don't know what the word XX means
what is the chinese for the word XX?,0,英语单词造句子!(每个单词,造5个或5个以上句子),
1,surf 2,internet 3,progrom 4,result 5,better 6,differentce 7,yuck 8,athough

i don't know what the word XX means what is the chinese for the word XX?,0,英语单词造句子!(每个单词,造5个或5个以上句子),1,surf 2,internet 3,progrom 4,result 5,better 6,differentce 7,yuck 8,athough


1,surf --I like surfing.\They live to surf and nothing can stop them. \I'm glad the jobs leave my afternoon for surfing.2.internet --Who can tell me how to make a pen pal on internet?\Internet shopping offers a lot of benefits for the shopper\it is often cheaper to ...


1.capacity The movie hall has a seating capacity of 200.这个电影厅可容纳200名观众。The auto plant now has an annual capacity of 12,000 cars.这家汽车厂现在每年能生产一万二千辆汽车。2.ability He is a man of great ability.他是位能力很强的人。She did the work to the best of...


分别造5各:I totally agree with you.Everyone in the class agreed upon the proposal.I have to be convinced before I can agree with your argument.Do you agree with me?How could you agree to such an idea?I expect you to do well in your exam.My teachers have high expectation ...

...in,come from,英语造句,每个单词造一个句子

My shoes have a hole.我的鞋子上有一个洞 I need you to carry all the bags.我需要你帮我提所有的包。Mince it and freeze in a plastic container.将它们切成段装进塑料容器中。If land prices fall, governments take in less money.假如地价下跌,政府的收入就会减少。It could come from ...


serene 安静的、merely 仅仅、reliability 可靠性、flexibility 灵活性、providing 只要、complain 抱怨、unpredictable 无法预料的、obey 服从、shocked 惊愕的、ridiculous 可笑的、attempt 努力、belong to 属于、be out of fashion 过时、praise 赞扬、confidence 信心、麻烦每个词写出四个句子。谢谢了 ...


sense :I lost my sense of taste.我丧失了味觉。sight:The train is still in sight.火车仍在视线内。taste:The medicine has a bitter taste.这药有苦味。touch:They keep close touch with me.他们和我保持密切联系。below:Please do not write below this line.请不要写在这条线的下面....


2. Eating ice cream, eating ice cream.吃冰淇淋,吃冰淇淋。3. Lily is eating an ice cream.莉莉在吃冰淇淋。4. I see a boy eating ice cream,我看见一个男孩正在吃冰淇淋,5. He was about seven years old, had curly black hair and big brown eyes and was eating anice...


1、when you can’t change it ,you only need to have to accept the challenge, try your best to do it 当你不能改变它的时候,你能做的就是接受挑战,尽力做到最好。(接受挑战)2、It would be a brilliant idea to go outing this weekend 周末去郊游或许是个很好的主意。(好主意)3...

英语:用单词造句,一个单词造一个句子 (共九句)

1 Our brain is very important 我们的大脑是很重要的 2 We connected with our friends by net last month 我们与我们的朋友上个月通过网络联系 3 There are no overnight successes. 没有一夜之间的成功。4 We should not put...

follow the doctor's advice为什么加's ...张娜拉的一首歌 我想学这首歌,把歌词转换成中文的,但是唱出来让人感... 我有一辆宝骏530车,外地牌子,在济南找工作带车,能干什么工作... 怎样判断小米路由器的指示灯是什么颜色的? 定期储蓄存单是什么 小型天文卫星携带仪器 公司给入了工伤保险保险公司问我要我的社保卡做什么可以吗? 出下列各种烷烃的结构简式(1)2,3,3-三甲基戊烷:___(2)2,3-二甲基-4... 我叫邢轲轲 女 英文怎么起个名字呢 类似kiki coco的英文名,哪些好? 多少岁就不能改名字了 小朋友改姓需要什么手续 小学改名字需要什么手续? 小学生更改名字需要什么材料 草料的解释 _草的网络解释_草的网络解释是什么 饲料的网络解释饲料的网络解释是什么 饲草的网络解释饲草的网络解释是什么 用平高智联充电桩充完电为什么没有消费明细 纱幔是哪个朝代发明的 古代亭子上纱幔叫什么 号令天下手机靓号靠谱吗 四川有哪些体校招初中生 四川单招体育类学校有哪些 成都小升初体校有哪些 腹中论篇(3) 轩岐的读音轩岐的读音是什么 岐伯的史书记载 尿酸高可以吃赤小豆吗 伊犁照苏11月份一个星期的准确天气预报 星河漫步文案? 文案- 一眼心动的古风文案 三位数乘两位数的概念是什么 如何理解三位数乘两位数横式到竖式的区别和联系 两位数三位数乘积最大技巧 win7调试模式什么意思 报考小学教师资格证考试要考什么科目呀 3岁半女孩脚丫多大码? 三岁小孩穿多大的鞋子啊? 三岁半女孩穿多大码拖鞋 电脑放CD都会发出一种CD在里面转动的嗡嗡声音特别大 怎么回事啊?以前都... 哪家公司做小程序比较好 华为手机如何同时登录两个 cad如何加插件? 四字成语心术不正类似 13款索纳塔八值得入手吗 13年索八2.4性价比怎么样 梦见已故父亲开车 梦见鱼在水上游的预兆 九英寸跟八英寸的盘子差多少
  • 焦点


