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unicef 巴萨合作这事英文讲一下,好的加分

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 17:20



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:58

Since its founding, Barcelona has never worn corporate advertisements on their shirt. On 14 July 2006, the club announced a five year agreement with UNICEF, which includes having the UNICEF logo on their shirts. The agreement has the club donate €1.5 million per year to UNICEF (0.7 percent of its ordinary income, equal to the UN International Aid Target, cf. ODA) via the FC Barcelona Foundation.[110] The FC Barcelona Foundation is an entity set up in 1994 on the suggestion of then-chairman of the Economical-Statutory Committee, Jaime Gil-Aluja. The idea was to set up a foundation that could attract financial sponsorships to support a non-profit sport company.In 2004, a company could become one of 25 "Honorary members" by contributing between £40,000–60,000 (£45,800–68,700)per year. There are also 48 associate memberships available for an annual fee of £14,000 (£16,000)and an unlimited number of "patronages" for the cost of £4,000 per year (£4,600).It is unclear whether the honorary members have any formal say in club policy, but according to the author Anthony King, it is "unlikely that Honorary Membership would not involve at least some informal influence over the club".

NEW YORK, USA, 7 September 2006 – Futbol Club Barcelona kicked off a new global alliance with UNICEF today at a press conference in New York. The partnership, benefiting children across the developing world, will focus on those affected by HIV/AIDS in Swaziland ring its first year.

In addition to donating some $1.9 million per year to UNICEF over the next five years, the legendary sports club will feature the UNICEF logo on its 2006-2007 jersey, the first such placement in the club’s 107-year history.

“Barcelona shows us that sports can be a powerful, positive force for children,” said UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman ring the announcement of the new partnership at United Nations headquarters. “The team has opened a door of hope to thousands of children.”

‘The global dimension of soccer’

Through the work of its foundation, FC Barcelona has an extensive philanthropic history. It has committed itself to social, cultural, ecational and humanitarian activities in Catalonia and has expanded internationally ring the last few years under the motto, ‘More than a club’.

In keeping with these charitable activities, FC Barcelona’s first-year donation to UNICEF will support programmes in Swaziland aimed at:

■Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV
■Providing treatment for paediatric AIDS
■Preventing HIV infection among adolescents
■Providing care and support for children orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS.
“At FC Barcelona, we are aware of the global dimension of soccer,” said club President Joan Laporta. “The increasing number of FC Barcelona supporters and fans around the world in the last few years has been spectacular.

“The club has an obligation to respond to this enormous positive wave,” continued Mr. Laporta. “The best way to do so is by using soccer as a tool to bring hope to millions of vulnerable children in need.”

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 16:58


追答Barcelona in recent years achievement is excellent, and in philanthropy, Barca also is the soccer giants. Barcelona Jersey has always refused to chest ad, but in 2006, Joan Laporta and the United Nations Children's Fund ( Unicef ) reached an agreement, Palestinian Sa five years will make Unicef logo on his chest to advertising. At the same time, Barcelona year to Unicef donated 1500000 euros, to help the world at the edge of poverty or starvation of children. Barcelona free Unicef advertising, but also lose money for charity.This summer, Barcelona and Unicef 's contract will expire.

参考资料:这次可以 么?

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