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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-25 14:23



热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 15:52

As a kind of most avant-garde stuff in modern information society, blog is appealing to an increasing number of people. To my mind, however, the matter should be observed dialectically e to its particularity and complexity.

Blog undeniably wields numerous merits. It in the first place serves as an effective means of communication, through which blog users are able to vent their spleens and share their various feelings with each other. Secondly, blog proves to be a terrific platform. for learning. By updating one’s blog pages and browsing others’, one thus has instant access to a wide range of cyber materials and may keep him-/herself informed of the most current events and knowledge.

While taking blog browsing and bruiting for granted, we should not overlook its downsides---a problem inevitably confronting nearly every issue of controversy. Inasmuch as blog is a public medium that denies nearly no admission, one’s privacy is hereby easily subject to potential infringements. A more severe problem than this is that the current blog pages on the web are rife with worthless or even detrimental things, say, fraulent advertising, hype, personal attack, pornography and violence, or even reactionary propagation.

Weighing the above discussed, we are justified to believe that, despite the many shortcomings it possesses, blog basically turns out to be a favourable thing, and would be more so provided supervision from both the public and the government is imposed upon it and self-discipline within the blog users is strengthened.

As a kind of most avant-garde stuff in modern information society, blog is appealing to an increasing number of people. To my mind, however, the matter should be observed dialectically due to its particularity and complexity.Blog undeniably wields numerous merits. It in the first p...

跪求一篇关于 superhero 的英语作文

可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 英语作文 superhero 搜索资料 本地图片 图片链接 提交回答 匿名 回答自动保存中为你推荐:特别推荐 父母是如何亲手打造“熊孩子”? 《流浪地球》暗示西部大开发? 在日本接不接受移民?很尴尬! 在人类战争舞台上,狗是个狠角色!×...


A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I've been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occup...


today,there are many popular stars . many young people are interested in the tv programs like super grils,my show and some other programs.so they become their fans.some young people become fans because they think the stars are very cool or beatiful.some young people think the son...

跪求一篇题目“overcoming obstacle”的英语作文.

总之,克服障碍从来不容易,但是是可能的。通过保持积极、将问题分解为可管理的部分并保持灵活的态度,您可以克服任何挑战。 第二篇英语作文 写作思路: 本文将探讨如何克服障碍。我们无法避免面临困难,但是我们可以通过积极的态度和坚定的决心来克服它们。 正文: Title: Overcoming Obstacle Life is full of challenges, ...


it can cause worries about the social safety and other things.As for my opinions,it is a very serious thing that needs to be solved at once.Its effect is quite bad,We must get to know how the personal information is stolen and the reason why some people want to have other ...


1.现在许多成年人都利用业余时间去大学或夜校读书。2.出现这种成人教育热的原因。3.你得出的结论。A Boom in Adult Education Presently, more and more adults spend their spare time trying to improve themselves. As we know, a lot of adults work in the daytime. After working hard all ...

跪求一篇关于 作弊 的英语作文。。急。。

With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to education. As a result, thousands of students take part in various examinations.However, some students have been found cheating on their exams. Some of them copy from each others, some took out their ...

跪求一篇说7分钟左右的单词量的 关于家乡最流行的食物(带原因) 哪...

,i am tom,today i will introduce my traditional food to everyone that is 什么。it looks like fatastic and smells good and furtherly it tastes delicious.there are several reasons why it is so preveil in my hometown as follows.然后从色,香,味,进行介绍就可以了,然后结束语。


1.My views on campus security Our university have a bad campus security problem I think.There is so much thieve in our campus,one of my schoolmate had already been stolen three bicycle,for more convenience in campus,he cannot help but bought anyother second hand bicycle.they go ...

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