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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 16:37



热心网友 时间:2023-06-25 05:30


When I grow up, I want to be a doctor。Everyone has a dream。Some want to be a policeman, others want to be an English teacher。

But my dream is to be a doctor。I want to help others。I like helping others。I think it's an interesting job。I love everyone in the world。

Everyone is healthy and happy。I'll be happy。So I study hard to become a doctor。


热心网友 时间:2023-06-25 05:31

I hope I can become a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor's family.My parents are both doctors.They are always busy working for patients' health and have no time to look after me.They saved many people's lives ring their work.The doctor is called "Angles in White".Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore,i wish to be a doctor like my parents.I hoped future I might be a doctor.

等我长大的时候想成为一名医生英语作文:When I grow up, I want to be a doctor。Everyone has a dream。Some want to be a policeman, others want to be an English teacher。But my dream is to be a doctor。I want to help others。I like helping others。I think it's an interest...

my dream 英语作文 关于医生的

当我还是个孩子的时候,我总是梦想成为一名医生。我想要帮助那些生病的人,并让他们感觉更好。随着我长大,我的梦想从未消失。我知道成为一名医生不是一条容易的路,但我决心实现我的目标。To achieve my dream, I studied hard and focused on science and biology in school. After graduation, I w...


My Dream Everyone has their own dreams 。 Someone wants to be a teacher 。Someone wants to be a singer 。Let me tell you something about my dream。Well, I want to be a doctor when I grow up 。First,I think doctor is a intersting job and I am interested...

英语作文: I want to be a doctor

我在此整理了三篇相关“I Want to Be a Doctor”作文供大家参阅,希望大家在阅读过程中有所收获,能打开你的思路,让你下笔如有神! 写作思路: 作文中需要写出你为什么想成为医生及医生这一份职业的特点。之后可以讲述你为了成为救死扶伤医生需要付出的努力。 作文一: 【原文】 As is known to all, health is ...


我想当医生的英语作文 1 When I was a child I used to fantasize about what I would grow up to be. Sometimes I want to be a judge; Sometimes, I want to be a painter...As I grew up, watching patients on TV struggling with pain, I began to want to be a doctor again....


你可以先点题,说我长大后要当医生,然后说两到三句理由。比如,现在医生不够,好医生更少,医生治病救人等。I want to be a doctor when I grow up. My reasons are as follows.(理由如下)First, doctors are needed. They are not enough. And good doctors are even less. Second, doctors...


I hope I can become a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor's family.My parents are both doctors.The doctor is called "Angles in White". Therefore,i wish to be a doctor like my parents.100字满了


I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore,i wish to be a doctor like my parents.I hoped future I might be a doctor.我希望未来的我能够成为一名医生.我出生在一个医生世家.我的父母都是医生.他们经常忙于照顾自己的病人,没有时间来照顾我.在...

my dream 英语作文(小学作文三年级)

So the patients from all over the world can get my helps.我的梦想 人人都有梦想。我的梦想是在将来做一名著名的医生。我喜欢帮助病人让他们健康。医生的工作很忙但很有趣。老师说我擅长于生物学。但我仍然需要提高英语,这样我才能够阅读英语知识,来自世界各地的病人才能够得到我的帮助。


because there’s an old saying “where there is a will,there is a way.”当我听我的老师讲课时我就想成为一名教师.我想当我长大后我可以做一名老师.我可以帮助学生们学习知识.我还可以和我的学生一起玩.这样我们就可以成为好朋友.当我看见许多医生救人的时候我又想当一名医生.作为一名医生真的...

免税但不退税什么意思 劲舞团下载好了。为什么每次解压都是显示错误。重新下载了解压还是显示... ...劲舞团出现不能解压的情况,提示这个压缩文件格式未知或者数据已经被... 我的下了劲舞团怎么一解压就错误 劲舞团解压的格式不对 怎么修改 劲舞团迅雷下载好之后解压显示文件破坏 怎么解决 我是下到电脑E盘 跟... to B和to C是什么意思?它们有什么区别? To B和To C,你真的知道它们之间的区别么? 听歌一小时能赚钱吗? 听歌一定能赚钱吗? 我理想的职业英文作文? 华为手机总是卡怎么办 六年级英语作文,写我的理想,职业最好是医生 华为手机老是卡顿什么原因? (我的理想是当一名医生)英语作文 全身美白针怎么注射? 华为手机卡是怎么回事? 我的梦想是当一名医生 英语作文? 华为手机老是卡机怎么样处理 关于我将来想成为一名医生的英语作文 七年级英语作文加翻译,我的理想是医生 《我的理想-医生》英语作文50词左右的! 写一篇英语作文《我想当一名医生》80词左右,初三英语水平,附上中文。急用!!! 我的梦想是当医生用英文60词八年级下册 我的梦想是成为一名医生七年级英语作文 新产品开发的动力模式有哪些?企业如何选用? 英语作文我理想的职业 :医生 美白针需要打几个疗程?多少钱总共?需要打几天的?哪种效果好又安全_百度... 英语作文 我的理想 医生 除了IPD还有其它产品开发模式可选吗 我的理想英语作文,带翻泽 英语作文:我的理想是当医生。怎么写,急急急,麻烦告诉我 英语作文我的理想当医生 我的理想 英语作文带翻译 我想当一名医生的英语作文 《我想当一名医生》的英语作文 华为手机怎么关掉讯飞输入法提示音? 华为手机怎么设置讯飞输入法? 华为手机一直跳出讯飞语音引擎怎么办?怎么取消? 华为手机讯飞输入法英文后面不能打符号 华为手机怎么解决讯飞语记输入时间短的问题? 华为讯飞输入法不小心把手机上的东西都弄成了黑色并且照片变成了荧光的怎么恢 华为手机里的讯飞语音引擎有什么用? 华为手机微信键盘可以用讯飞双系统白肚皮美化包键盘吗? 华为手机怎样取消讯飞语音输入 华为手机讯飞输入法小写拼音如何设置? vivo手机怎么激活 华为荣耀手机用讯飞输入法有点卡顿? 华为手机使用讯飞语记怎么进行输入法的升级? 新vivo手机怎样激活
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