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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 16:27



热心网友 时间:2022-04-27 04:29

1.the toastmaster introce guests
2.the toastmaster anounce the meeting open, all stant up and sing the national song
3.may the tutor anounce the list of presidents and award letters of appointment.
4.may the ex-president make an address
5.may the ex-secretary make an address
6.the president make an inaugural
7.the president announce the list of vice-president, secretary-general and ministers, and make letters of appointments.
8.may the vice-president lead all menbers to take an oath
9.may the secretary of the communist youth league and the guests make addresses
10.the toastmaster announce close of the meeting.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-27 05:47

1, the host introced guests
2, the host announced the opening of a standing playing of the national anthem
3, please instructor list and announced that the President granted the letter of appointment
4, the President requested last
5, the last party branch secretary:
6, the chairman will make his inaugural speech
7, the President took the Vice President, the Secretary-General and to the letter of appointment and the list of ministers
8, vice chairman of the Association led all members of the Association oath
9, please committee secretary, and gentlemen:
10, the host announced the successful conclusion of the General Assembly.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-27 07:22

1, the director introces the honored guest
2, the director announced the congress starts, all stand upplay the national anthem
3, please instruct teacher to announce president the namelist and awards the appointment letter
4, asks previous session president to give a speech
5, asks previous session cell secretary to give a speech
6, president does takes office to lecture
7, president reads out vice-president, secretary general andminister the name list and the means appointment letter
8, association vice-presidents lead the association allmember to take an oath
9, asks Youth Corps Committee secretaries, the honored guestto give a speech
10, the director announced that, the congress rounds off.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-27 09:13

1, the host introced guests
2, the host announced the opening of a standing playing of the national anthem
3, please instructor list and announced that the President granted the letter of appointment
4, the President requested last
5, the last party branch secretary:
6, the chairman will make his inaugural speech
7, the President took the Vice President, the Secretary-General and to the letter of appointment and the list of ministers
8, vice chairman of the Association led all members of the Association oath
9, please committee secretary, and gentlemen:
10, the host announced the successful conclusion of the General Assembly.
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