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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 16:27



热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 01:40

Oct. 23
I. Opening ceremony
1, Time: 8: 30-9: 30
2. Location: Academic Hall
3, Moderator: Associate Dean
4, agenda
8: 30-8: 35, the beginning of the process before the introction, meeting
8: 35-8: 45, President of the Conference Opening Remarks
8: 45-8: 55, the provincial leadership speech
8: 55-9: 05, Vice Chancellor of the University speech
9: 05-9: 15, Economics and Management, University of Party Secretary Speech
9: 15-9: 25, a university professor Speech
9: 25-9: 30, read a congratulatory letter
9: 30-10: 00, meeting the photo and refreshments
Second, the conference theme of an academic report
1, Time: 10: 00-11: 30
2. Location: Academic Hall
3, Moderator: director of the University of Management and Economics,
4, agenda:
10: 00-10: 30 Prof. academic report
10: 30-11: 00 France Rouen Business School vice principal academic report
11: 00-11: 30 University professor academic report
Third, Luncheon
1, Time: 12: 00-13: 40
2. Location: the second floor banquet hall
Fourth, the symposium
14: 00-15: 30 Group Special Report
A1: Complexity Science Management (A421)
A2: social system complexity (A321)
A3: economic system complexity (A511)
A4: Management System Complexity A (B338)
A5: Complexity Management System B (B430)
15: 30-15: 50 Coffee Break
15: 50-17: 20 Group Special Report
B1: Complexity Science Management (A421)
B2: the social system complexity (A321)
B3: economic system complexity (A511)
B4: Management System Complexity A (B338)
B5: Management System Complexity B (B430)
Fifth, buffet dinner
1, Time: 18: 00-19: 30
2. Location: The hotel is on the first floor cafeteria

Oct. 24
Six special reports:
1. Moderator: International Software College Dean
8: 30-8: 45 "complex scientific management" Taskforce report
8: 45-9: 00 "social system complexity" Taskforce report
"Complex economic system," the Taskforce report 15: 9: 00-9
9: 15-9: 30 "Management System Complexity A" Taskforce report
9: 30-9: 45, "Managing System complexity B" Taskforce report
9: 45-10: 00 Coffee Break
Seven conference theme academic report
1, Time: 10: 00-11: 30
2. Location: Academic Hall
3, Moderator: Dean of School of Management
4, agenda:
10: 00-10: 30 Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Professor academic report
10: 30-11: 00 City University of Hong Kong, Professor academic report
11: 00-11: 30 University of Toronto professor academic report
Eight, meeting summary and closing session
1, Time: 11: 30--12: 00
2. Location: Academic Hall
3, Host: University of Economics and Management party secretary
4, agenda:
11: 30-11: 40, President of the Conference concluding remarks
11: 40-11: 50, the international secretary of the University School of Software Speech
11: 50-12: 00, Professor of Economics and Management, University of word of thanks
12:00 Closing Conference
Nine, buffet lunch
1, Time: 12: 00--13: 00
2. Location: The hotel is on the first floor cafeteria

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 02:58

s faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and,

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 04:32

unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go
电脑今天玩游戏突然风扇转的很快.鲁大师显示cpu86度平均79度然后从开... SL400P9C开机后一直窝吱吱的声音是怎么回事?电流声就正常吗?国产货还能... 手机号给别人补号了后通话提示什么? 养小金鱼吃什么食物 给小金鱼吃什么 家里小金鱼吃什么食物 大拇指筋断了后遗症 ...第一次剪去它的五分之二,第二次剪去它的三分之一,这块步还剩几分之... 一根一米长的小棒第一次截去它的三分之一第二次截去剩下的三分之一第... ...第一次用去全长的三分之一,第二次用去五分之六米,还剩全长的50%,这... 请问现在一般寻找进口货源都是怎么做的啊? 会议日程 英文信函 如何从日本进口商品? 会议的简单行程安排如下:。。英文 进口食品货源哪里找? 制定会议日程安排英语作文,拜托拜托,感激不尽 贸易公司,请前辈高手指教,贸易公司是怎么找货源和怎么找客户,日用品之类的,需要多少资金启动, 想开个进口食品的商店,怎么找货源啊?有知道的吗? 如何用英语写会议日程 想卖韩国进口食品,如何进货呢?进货渠道是什么? 进口母婴商品一般从哪里进货? 到哪里可以买到进口货物??哪里的进口货源比较齐全? 国内有哪些比较好的跨境进口货源平台? 有谁知道进口货源在哪里找 有没有正规的进口商品批发市场推荐呢? 美妆店主要的进口商品进货渠道有哪些? 进口商品正规采购渠道有哪些? 进口商品进货渠道有哪些? 很多人都信赖进口食品,我想开个进口食品店,你们知道去哪里找货源吗? 进口货源哪里找 急! 我们的会议安排具体如下。。。英文 请问谁知道英文格式的会议通知的是如何写的?比较正式的。 急:求英语对话一篇.关于会议准备及安排的. 英语翻译 在此提醒您准时参加明天的会议.您所参加的会议,我已用红色标出,详见附件会议日程安排. 实名认证怎么解绑 “会议议程“的英语表达 为了更好的组织这次会议,请大家及时更新已经确定好的行程安排。英语如何写 我要一个用英文做会议记录的大概的模板,格式。 微信实名制怎么解除 会议安排英文怎么翻译 在线急等会议流程英文翻译!!! 新买的手机号码被腾讯管家标记成某公司的名字了 现在该怎么解决才能消除 腾讯手机管家标记的号码怎么清除 我的固定电话是新开户的 被腾讯手机管家标记为圆通快递 请问怎么取消 qq手机管家标记了联通客服,收不到客服的信息,怎么删除标记?希望有详细方法! 联通客服给QQ管家标记了,怎么删除标记? 怎么取消腾讯管家标记 大王卡不能正常使用 为什么我的大王卡不能免流量看腾讯视频? 办了大王卡为什么不可以免流量
  • 焦点


