关于hello kitty的一篇英语小短文,
发布时间:2022-04-23 16:19
时间:2023-08-27 12:41
Hello Kitty is one of the best-known of many simply drawn fictional characters proced by the Japanese company Sanrio. The first proct, a coin purse, was introced in Japan in 1974, and in the United States in 1976.
The Japanese anime series "Hello Kitty and Friends" aired on TV Tokyo in Japan, and CBS in the United States in 1991. On the show, Kitty is a little girl living with her mother, father, and twin sister Mimmy, who is identical to Kitty but has different colored clothes and wears her bow under the opposite ear.
Hello Kitty can be found on a variety of consumer procts ranging from school supplies to fashion accessories.
The Hello Kitty line has since developed licensing arrangements worth more than $1 billion a year in sales. Examples of procts depicting the character include dolls, stickers and greeting cards to clothes, accessories, school supplies, dishes and home appliances. Sanrio Puroland is the official theme park of Sanrio featuring Hello Kitty and her friends.
UNICEF awarded Hello Kitty the exclusive title of UNICEF Special Friend of Children.
In 2008, Japan named Hello Kitty the ambassador of Japanese tourism in China and Hong Kong.
Also in 2008, a Hello Kitty-themed maternity hospital was opened in Yuanlin, Taiwan, in the hopes that the popular character would help ease the stress of childbirth. Hello Kitty is featured on the receiving blankets, room decor, bed linens, birth certificate covers,and nurses' uniforms.
Hello Kitty (Japanese:ãƒas have ki te,Latin wording:Harōkiti),otherwise known as Hello Kitty,Japan's Sanrio Company in 1974,the year of the creation of cartoon characters.Sanrio company was scheduled to launch a small purse,the above pattern hoping to design a new ch...
姓名:凯蒂猫 Kitty·WHITE 昵称:Hello Kitty 性别:可爱小女孩 漂亮的小女生 生日:1974年11月1日 星座:天蝎座(和原创作者相同)血型:A型 出生地:英国伦敦 身高:5个苹果高 体重:3个苹果重 性格:开朗活泼、温柔热心、调皮可爱,喜欢交朋友 专长:最擅长打网球,钢琴也弹得非常好 最拿手厨艺:...
书包上面印着“HELLOKITTY”的英文单词,这就是猫咪的大名。 书包有一个大大的肚子,里面装着各式各样的书本:语文书、数学书、英语书,还有许多教辅材料和作业簿……前面有一个小一点的肚子,拉开拉链,你会看到里面装着一些小东西,如跳绳、字典、红领巾等,有时会有些杂乱,妈妈看到了就会批评我。还有一个最小最小的...
粉色的hellokitty Pink hellokitty 粉色的hellokitty Pink hellokitty
⒉语源:英语 含义:欣喜 印象:有人认为Kay是个时髦女郎。表面友善甜美,私底下擅于算计且冷酷。 中文名:欣喜 Kitty凯迪 ⒈含义:猫咪、小猫 ⒉语源:希腊语 含义:纯洁(Katherine的呢称) 印象:当人们听到Kitty这个名字时,所想到的是可爱的红发女孩。性感、爱玩且坚强。 代表人物:凯迪猫——HelloKitty 中文名:咪咪 ...
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Xiang yu (drop cloth mouth) : li mouth, you have finished, a day didn't cook the shop is open for this? Don't take my tiger not atone when HELLOKITTY!Kuo: starve to death to starve starve the somebody else!Old white, scholar, kuo (old white-collar sing, scholar guo ...
体重: 相当于5个苹果 擅长: 烤制曲奇 最喜爱的食物: 妈妈(Mama,mum或Mary)做的苹果派 最喜爱的词语: "友谊"收集: 可爱的小东西,例如:糖果,星星,金鱼等等 优秀的学科: 英语,音乐和视觉艺术 描述: 一只开朗的热心肠的小猫,擅长烤制曲奇,喜欢妈妈的苹果派。和她的双胞胎妹妹Mimmy极像。
Hello:是英语中常用的打招呼用语,表示“你好”。Kitty:在英文中,这个词通常用来指代“小猫”,或者是猫咪的相关事物。二、语境中的含义 当有人说“Hellokitty”时,可能是以友好的方式打招呼,并带有一种可爱的、与猫咪相关的语境。这个词可能在某些情况下,特别是在与猫咪有关的商品、品牌或者网络...