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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-17 14:05



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 20:06

One night a sudden catastrophic landslides engulfed the small mountain village. The next day, when rescuers followed crying shaver open dirt, tore off roofs and found a light a body to want the crouching in the next two or three old girl unexpectedly alive. Rescuers hurriedly will hold out little girl, but she refused to leave, side face with pinkie finger up: "mom reach crying -" rescue workers a pair of mud along the faint show hand gingerly downwards plane, shows a picture of a breathtaking sight picture: a bust, a naked woman standing posture, both hands held high above his head, as if a statue weightlifter sculpture... The woman was a blind man, the body already stiff. And she again under scratched up a head, stand-up man! The woman was standing shoulder, hands exalted in men, the little girl just little girl miraculously become the only survivors in the debris.

Animal or human being all right, but the parents love are the silent contributions, and expected nothing in return. The life and death, they always have, without hope of self born heirs. The blind parents deny himself save children's feat of maternal love is the perfect interpretation power.

Love like hills, mountains of great, a mountain of sublime, a mountain of massiness... Maternal love is emotional, understand the origin of mother's love, we can love thyself, can let the love burst out light, illuminate our future road.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 20:07

翻译:story of love
love story
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