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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 15:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:05

葬花吟 乡愁我不是给你了吗
Flowers fade and fly, and flying fill the sky; Their bloom departs, their perfume gone, yet who stands pitying by? And wandering threads of gossamer on the summer-house are seen, And falling catkins lightly dew-steeped strike the embroidered screen. A girl within the inner rooms, I mourn that spring is done, A veil of sorrow binds my heart, and solace there is none. I pass into the garden, and I turn to use my hoe, Treading over fallen glories as I lightly come and go. There are willow-sprays and flowers of elm, and these have scent enough. I care not if the peach and plum, are stripped from every bough. The peach-tree and the plum-tree too next year may bloom again, But next year, in the inner rooms, tell me, shall I remain? By the third moon new fragrant nests shall see the light of day, New swallows fly among the beams, each on its thoughtless way. Next year once more they'll seek their food among the painted flowers, But I may go, and beams may go, and with them swallow bowers. Three hundred days and sixty make a year, and therein lurk Daggers of wind and swords of frost to do their cruel work. How long will last the fair fresh flower which bright and brighter glows? One morning its petals float away, but to where no-one knows. Gay bloooming buds attract the eye, faded they're lost to sight; Oh, let me sadly bury them beside these steps tonight. Alone, unseen, I seize my hoe, with many a bitter tear; They fall upon the naked stem and stains of blood appear. The night-jar now has ceased to mourn, the dawn comes on apace, I seize my hoe and close the gates, leaving the burying-place; But not until sunbeams dot the wall does slumber soothe my care, The cold rain pattering on the pane as I lie shivering there. You wonder that with flowing tears my youthful cheek is wet; They partly rise from angry thoughts, and partly from regret. Regret that spring comes suddenly; and anger that it cannot last. No sound to announce its approach, or warn us when it's passed. Last night within the garden sad songs were faintly heard, Sung, as I knew, by spirits, spirits of flower and bird. We cannot keep them here with us, these much-loved birds and flowers, They sing but for a season's space, and bloom a few short hours. If only I on a feathered wing might soar aloft and fly, With flower spirits I would seek the rooms within the sky. But high in the air What grave is there? No, give me an embroidered bag within to lay their charms, And Mother Earth, pure Mother Earth, shall hide them in her arms. Thus those sweet forms which spotless came shall spotless go again, Nor pass dirty with mud and filth along some filthy drain. Farewell, dear flowes, forever now, thus buried as was best, I have not yet divined when I with you shall sink to rest. I who can bury flowers like this a laughing-stock shall be; I cannot say in days to come what hands shall bury me. See how when spring begins to fail each opening flower fades; So too there is a time of age and death for beautiful maids; And when the fleeting spring is gone, and days of beauty over, Flowers fall, and lovely maidens die, and both are known no more.

The hometown song is a pure distant flute
Always in has moon's evening to resound

The hometown appearance is actually one kind of fuzzy listlessness
In the fog waves the hand as if leaves depart

After leaving
The nostalgia is one does not have the annual ring tree
Never dies of old age

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:05

Song of the Burial of Flowers葬花吟
by Cao Xueqin [Qing Dynasty] (清) 曹雪芹
Flowers fade and fall and fly about up in the sky,
But who pities the loss of your fragrance when you die?
Like gossamer you float and land on pavilions,
With your fallen petals clung soft to fine curtains.
In my boudoir I sigh over the close of spring,
But there’s no way to express my sorrowful feeling.
Spade in hand, I go out from under my fine curtain,
To and fro on fallen petals, how can I bear treading?
Willow twigs and elm buds send sweet scents as they may,
Who cares when peach and plum petals are in decay?
Next year peach and plum trees will be in bloom again,
But who will be the master of my boudoir then?
In March lunar swallows have got their nests ready,
They on the beam seem to be those without mercy.
Next year in their flight, fresh flowers they may peck, though,
All that they and I have will be lost, they never know.
There are three hundred and sixty days in one year,
With you the elements of nature are severe.
Time is not long for you to be bright and charming,
Your trace and track are hard to find in your drifting.
You are easy to see when open but hard when fallen,
Before the stairs I am worried where to find your remains.
Against the spade I lean and in secret weep sudden,
Splashed on your bare branches are my tears like bloodstains.
The cuckoo ceases its warbling at twilight,
With my spade I return and shut the doors tight.
I go to bed with a lone oil lamp still shining,
My quilt is not warm when a cold rain is falling.
I feel at heart it is a matter quite nerve-racking,
For I like spring or I feel sad over its leaving.
Spring I love and my sorrow repair at a fast pace,
They come silent and go without leaving a trace.
Last night beyond pavilions sad song seemed rising,
Was it the souls of flowers or birds that were singing?
It is always hard to ask their souls to stay behind,
That birds are silent and flowers feel ashamed, I find.
I wish to have two wings under my arms to fly,
After you unto the farthest end of the sky.
At the farthest end of the sky,
Where can I find the grave of your fragrance lie?
Better in silk to shroud your petals fair,
With a handful of clean earth as your attire.
For pure you have come and pure you repair,
Lest you fall into some foul ditch or mire.
I hold a burial when you die today,
But there’s no telling when I pass away.
Others laugh at me that have buried thee,
Who will be the one that shall bury me?
The end of spring makes flowers fall one by one,
It’s also the time when beauty meets its doom.
Once beauty is carried to its very tomb,
Both beauty and flowers perish known to none.
The poet and the background note:

The hometown song is a pure distant flute
Always in has moon's evening to resound

The hometown appearance is actually one kind of fuzzy listlessness
In the fog waves the hand as if leaves depart

After leaving
The nostalgia is one does not have the annual ring tree
Never dies of old age


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:06

Flowers fade and fly, and flying fill the sky; Their bloom departs, their perfume gone, yet who stands pitying by? And wandering threads of gossamer on the summer-house are seen, And falling catkins lightly dew-steeped strike the embroidered screen. A girl within the inner rooms, I mourn that spring is done, A veil of sorrow binds my heart, and solace there is none. I pass into the garden, and I turn to use my hoe, Treading over fallen glories as I lightly come and go. There are willow-sprays and flowers of elm, and these have scent enough. I care not if the peach and plum, are stripped from every bough. The peach-tree and the plum-tree too next year may bloom again, But next year, in the inner rooms, tell me, shall I remain? By the third moon new fragrant nests shall see the light of day, New swallows fly among the beams, each on its thoughtless way. Next year once more they'll seek their food among the painted flowers, But I may go, and beams may go, and with them swallow bowers. Three hundred days and sixty make a year, and therein lurk Daggers of wind and swords of frost to do their cruel work. How long will last the fair fresh flower which bright and brighter glows? One morning its petals float away, but to where no-one knows. Gay bloooming buds attract the eye, faded they're lost to sight; Oh, let me sadly bury them beside these steps tonight. Alone, unseen, I seize my hoe, with many a bitter tear; They fall upon the naked stem and stains of blood appear. The night-jar now has ceased to mourn, the dawn comes on apace, I seize my hoe and close the gates, leaving the burying-place; But not until sunbeams dot the wall does slumber soothe my care, The cold rain pattering on the pane as I lie shivering there. You wonder that with flowing tears my youthful cheek is wet; They partly rise from angry thoughts, and partly from regret. Regret that spring comes suddenly; and anger that it cannot last. No sound to announce its approach, or warn us when it's passed. Last night within the garden sad songs were faintly heard, Sung, as I knew, by spirits, spirits of flower and bird. We cannot keep them here with us, these much-loved birds and flowers, They sing but for a season's space, and bloom a few short hours. If only I on a feathered wing might soar aloft and fly, With flower spirits I would seek the rooms within the sky. But high in the air What grave is there? No, give me an embroidered bag within to lay their charms, And Mother Earth, pure Mother Earth, shall hide them in her arms. Thus those sweet forms which spotless came shall spotless go again, Nor pass dirty with mud and filth along some filthy drain. Farewell, dear flowes, forever now, thus buried as was best, I have not yet divined when I with you shall sink to rest. I who can bury flowers like this a laughing-stock shall be; I cannot say in days to come what hands shall bury me. See how when spring begins to fail each opening flower fades; So too there is a time of age and death for beautiful maids; And when the fleeting spring is gone, and days of beauty over, Flowers fall, and lovely maidens die, and both are known no more.

The hometown song is a pure distant flute
Always in has moon's evening to resound

The hometown appearance is actually one kind of fuzzy listlessness
In the fog waves the hand as if leaves depart

After leaving
The nostalgia is one does not have the annual ring tree
Never dies of old age

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:06

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