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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 22:48



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 23:45

Best girl in inside in my heart, you have a pair of moving eyeses, your on talking a line of all affecting my heart, as long as have you accompany me, I am the most happy person in the world, in this special day in stanza in New Year's Day, give you the wish of the New Year's Day, hope to be soon we can get together mutually, dedicating the festal salute in top for you and wish, wish you own an alive with source of vitality with the happiness New Year's Day, only have you made me complete~~`
The love is a dedication to do not need the reason.Love, need not be astounding, also do not need the vows of eternal love, as long as so-so any any of give, is just the most the most true thing.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 23:46


best girl on my mind

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 23:46

the best girl in my heart

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 23:47

the best girl in my mind

Best girl in inside in my heart, you have a pair of moving eyeses, your on talking a line of all affecting my heart, as long as have you accompany me, I am the most happy person in the world, in this special day in stanza in New Year's Day, give you the wish of ...


To me, she is the goddess of perfection 更地道、浪漫一些


“你是我心中的女神”这句话用英语这样翻译:You are the goddess in my heart 亲,请您采纳,您的采纳是我的动力,谢谢。


回答:Your are the best in my mind forever and ever.


You are a perfect girl in my heart.


你在我心目中永远是最美的:You are always in my mind the most beautiful /You in my mind forever are most beautiful


Give me the most beautiful girl in my heart.送给我心目中最漂亮的女孩。


You are the best in my mind.

英语作文 我心目中的女孩

but when she expresses her ideas it always seems to be full of wisdom.ü Apprence isn’t the most important thing to me, so she needn’t to be good-looking.But I hope she could weas a long hair,because I think girl with long hair is fascinating.However if she is with ...


You are in my mind is the perfect goddess, I to you am and intimidating, but you have deeply moved my heart.

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