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求求好心的英语达人帮我翻译 一段英文文章 如下 不多 关于公共事业管理的 不胜感激!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 18:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 07:49

也许最好的工作在美国联邦调查局(FBI)正统计局的verision“distrist经理”:特殊代理人负责(囊)的一个领域的机构。几乎所有的囊上来通过刑事侦查小组,而不是通过反情报。是什么使囊的工作和吸引力是相当大的信誉在他们的现场,连同的自主措施从总部在华盛顿,可以肯定的是,优先考虑的问题,厘清总部设置要求已累积超过一年的从他的“董事会”- - -几个国会委员会有权柄的人在美国联邦调查局(FBI)和白色囊house.within这个框架中,有一些自由选哪个paoblems攻击在他们区域。
在某种程度上说,联邦调查局正在就像一个主要airline.每颠簸着陆报道的,但是我们很少听到有关安全着陆。同样,美国联邦调查局(FBI)既有利的事物每天都发生。作为弗里出任公司解释说,“孩子们难得的采访是得救,爆炸装置被逮捕,恋童癖者,拆除了streets.i帮派并不是说我们不应该批评所犯的错误,但我确实知道成功的男人和女人的联邦调查局正在发生的每一天。”追问在线网站翻译的 谢谢您的劳动成果 但还是麻烦英语好的 亲自翻译一下 就当学习了

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 07:50


The arduous exploration of the future of private owned book selling industry hasn't got an answer!There are two major reasons:1. Beacuse of the policy and mechanism of the industry the private owned book selling industry has always been living in the crevice of foreign owned bookst...


to become a good travel place for the resident nearby and urben residents in Lunan core area;Other work is to construct the zoology agriculture district and zoology industry area,try out best to improve our agriculture industrialization level,conbain with the industry,follow the manage m...


put the service on the first point ,remmember that the costomers are the most important ;credit should last forever ,continue to improve (improving continually)这样就差不多了,一般外国人能看懂。(完全没有借助翻译软件哦)

英语高手帮忙翻译一下 ,不胜感激!!

The transaction should make the widespread understanding, it generalizes the shifting property right and the fulfillment property duty both sides paid legal act.Has the process from it to look, the transaction both refers to the transaction establishment behavior, and refers to the transact...


1, the store's location: the choice of location is good or bad the future impact of the operation of a large store, so be sure to find a good store business district location. After investigation, I found that the school has a 30 square meters near the entrance of the ...


in orderto avoid reflects the shadow in the window. Uses when the dome lightmust avoid installing bathtub above which directly covers in thesteam. The wall lamp or the dome light power take 40 - 60 tiles assuitable. The decorative lighting installment must conform to the illuminatio...


This article analyzed the network banking in six parts. The first part introduced the concepts and present status of the network banking. The second part described the influence of the network banking on the social economy. The third part described the global situation of network ...


particularly object to determine insurance suffered losses of the insurance underwriting risk insured or the beneficiary should be the main principle of compensation, the world gradually established and authorized. However, in our law the principle of proximate cause is not not clear. that ...


In transportation, the poor people generally walk, the rich have their own car, this is similar to now. But if travel is very inconvenient, no plane, no railway, people's lives are very small. Now you can go anywhere you want, even where you live.. Our life range also ...


I graduate from the Hubei Three Gorges University, the electronic commerce department, had made the website plan in the network company, the marketing, also makes the administration, the guest has taken the aspect the work, myself warm natural, is good at the human relations.大概是...

...客户扫了一万块信用卡,我应该收多少手续费? 从天津火车站坐几路车到天津市中心,坐到哪一站下车? 爱情里很有哲理的句子 我在天津到190公车始发站坐地铁在哪儿下 红米note3和魅蓝note3哪个好啊 野生桃核什么时候种植 为什么会有置业担保 置业置业房贷 置业贷款是什么意思? 置贷是什么意思? 为什么一些app里面的位置定位功能不准?有没有提高定位精度的办法? 布劳沃德大学好不好?布劳沃德教育专业如何? 简易电子密码锁 钱在绿地金融钱包里,取不出来,说银行风控系统检查到存在风险,并作冻结处理,还需要还款吗? 六年级作文:《给△△的一封信》(800字) 哪些部门有权查询冻结扣划银行存款 我的工商银行卡说因故不能取款,但里面有钱,去银行查询说风险监控,如何处理! 查冻扣规定是什么 我的钱被银行冻截了,他们直接扣款会影响我的征信吗? 法院的辅警可以去银行办理查冻扣业务吗? Excel里很多的表格,怎么样才能,把里面的红色一下改成黑色 银行卡转账提示有风险,业务被冻结。钱已经扣了,但是没收到。怎么办? 文件字体增加内容是红色怎么变成黑色 银行协助查冻扣应遵循什么原则 对涉及(刑)的司法查冻扣划应提交报告风险信息,操作流程? 东方财经今日股市为什么不播了 银行遇上查冻扣该怎么办?是坚决执行还是有权拒绝 银行网点在办理人民*查询冻结扣划工作中存在的困难和问题 东方财经在网上可以看直播吗? 这是东方财经的什么节目? 电子密码锁电路原理图,求解答 你们知道有关泰康人寿保险公司吗? 电子锁外面砸坏了里面能开吗 公安和法院的人去银行查询、冻结、扣划存款需什么证件? 交大安泰管理学院EMBA中心 做行政工作人员的待遇怎么样?签人事代理不是正式编制的把? 简易密码锁 课程设计 求一个用于住宅大门的简易电子密码锁设计图和程序。 不胜感激。。。 手机app定位? app内置的定位系统怎么修改 求助课设简易电子密码锁 请问Android系统 有好用的定位APP吗? 怎样开启瑞通宝定位APp? 什么叫电子门锁,选用电子门锁的好处有哪些? 易捷持(YILIETE)电子门锁,钥匙、电子卡都无法开门的原因是什么? 大众定位系统是哪个app 末日按比例配售是什么意思 疫情电子锁怎么扔垃圾 ZBM-0.1/8型号的空气压缩机如何设定压力让它自动停 小圆半径是二厘米大圆半径是三厘米小圆面积是大圆面积的多少a2/3b4/9c4/27 怎样使用探知app定位?
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