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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 18:48



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 21:34

A schoolteacher used to take a short nap every afternoon.\r\n有一位老师每个下午都要打一下盹儿.\r\nWhen his pupils asked him why he did so,he said that he went to dreamland to meet ancient sages.\r\n当他的学生问他是怎么回事时,他回答说他到梦境中去见古代的圣人了.\r\nOne extremely hot day some of his pupils fell asleep in the classroom.When the school-teacher chided them,they said,"We went to meet the sages in dreamland." \r\n有一天,天气很热,有几个学生在教室里睡着了.当这位老师斥责他们的时候,他们说:\“我们去梦里见圣人了.\”\r\n"What did they say?" demanded the teacher.\r\n\“他们说什么了?\”老师问到.\r\n"We asked them if a school- teacher came there every afternoon,but they said they had seen no such person."\r\n\“我们问他们是不是每天下午都有一个老师去他们那儿,但是他们说没见过这个人.\”

I know becoming a piano is a hard . But I believe I can do it. There is a will, there is a way. My dream will come ture one day. Believe me! Thank you!七年级英语演讲稿范文篇2 Ladies and gentlemen: Good morning! Today, the title of my speech is A Lesson from Natur...


I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit White House. Of course, I want to go to London too . If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy. I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'll ...


篇1 Hello! Every one. My name is XuJiaWei, from Class 3 Grade 7.Please think a minute! I heard a funny true story about this guy who goes to the gym to exercise and work out each week. He takes 20 minutes to change his clothes. Then he walks around the gym talking w...

英语演讲稿5篇,七年级上学期水平,不少于50词。 Thank you very much...

Iain Lawrence successfully draws readers into the world of nineteenth century from London.The Cannibals is a great book you must not miss!我的演讲是关于一本叫做“食人族” 的书,写由义安劳伦斯。 剧情是关于汤姆锡,不正当地被指责谋杀一个人。一个有势力的人想要把汤姆和他的父亲赶在城市外面。 汤姆是...

简单的英语演讲稿 2-3分钟 七年级

love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul like绿茵propped up the sky. love is a force, is a wealth. we should be in the hearts of young sow the seeds of love. let us be thankful for, the institute of thanksgiving. thanksgiving with a heart to face ...

初一的英语演讲稿 有翻译的 简单一点的 2分钟左右的

我叫……。我是七年级…… 班的学生。我12/13岁。我喜欢几乎所有的科目,例如语文、英语。我正像我们班他同学一样认真学好所有功课。每天早晨读半小时英语或语文。我喜欢画画、唱歌和运动。我认为,作为一个学生,我们应该好好学习,保持健康。我们应该和同学们相处融洽、共同学习、共同进步。我的讲演...


My dream home is very big and clean. It has at least five floors and fifteen rooms. On the ground floor, there is a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom. There are no other rooms on the ground floor. My bedroom, study, bathroom are on the first floor. They are all ...


Hello every boday .My name is XX.I am thirteen years old .I am a boy .My favorite subjet is English .My favorite color is blue and black .I like basketball and table tennis.My favorite foot is noodles .Nice to meet you!I hope to make friends with you.Thank ...

求英语演讲比赛的演讲稿,中学组的 三篇最好是范文

中学生英语三分钟演讲稿Good morning,dear teacher and my friends. it’s a very intresting topic today. I think my Dad was a hero for me when I was a young child. We'd go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid. Every child has a good and great father, and so do I. My ...


Good morning my fellow classmates! It is my pleasure to give a speech on this stage today. As we all know, basket ball has been one of the most popular sports in China for many years. There are many reasons for the popularity of this sport, and it is undeniable that the ...

一战后到二战前的德国是什么样子的大神们帮帮忙 德国现今的政治制度是什么?皇帝是否还存在?若存在,则皇帝在德国的地位如... 为什么觉得这石敢当怎么看起来故事情节和《西游记后传》一模一样呢... 在浙江考过的一级市政建造师到湖北省可以考B吗?可以在湖北省考造价工程... A省某单位职工在B省报名一级建造师考试,请问领证在哪领,考试呢 一级建造师考试A省老考生在下一年去B省考还用再进行审核吗? 前段时间在电视上看到一部电视剧,不知道叫什么名字,剧情是,玉皇大帝让... ...的团团转,任她摆布,几乎什么都听她的。我又 有个很聪明狡猾有心机总是害我对我不好的后妈 我该怎么反击,心里... 梦见一家人在吃饭,老公的旁边多出一个女人,还搂着我老公,亲我老公,老 ... 给我一篇英语小短文,适合演讲用,大概三分钟并附翻译 求两三分钟的英语口语短文 求一篇英语口语三分钟左右的演讲稿(附上翻译) 餐厅水晶吊灯不够亮怎么办 为什么吊灯安装后亮度不够 吊灯5分钟亮5分钟不亮怎么回事 宝马740感觉大灯不怎么亮什么原因? 怎样学习关于构图基础和色彩理论?有什么好的方式吗 我家客厅里的吊灯,不开客厅的电视,吊灯开关打开是不会亮的,电视一开才亮,电视关了吊灯就不亮了。 什么是构图?美术的概念 客厅25平,只装吊灯的话会不会不够亮? 中国绘画构图学的规律与法则研究 家里客厅有必要装吊灯吗?感觉这种装饰灯都不是很亮,而且耗电 吊灯拆下几个灯泡后剩余的也不怎么亮了 画面构图方法的三个要点是什么? 吊灯开起后有电但不怎么亮怎么回事 摄影构图的三大原则 5米高复式楼客厅吊顶灯不够亮怎么办? 为什么吊灯不会亮? 我家客厅的吸顶灯不够亮,怎么回事 求一篇3分钟的英语演讲稿!题材不限! 三分钟的英语演讲小短文 写一篇英语演讲短文(3分钟) 英语演讲小短文(2~3分钟)急!!~ 求一篇英语口语演讲,2-3分钟,话题自拟。 求一篇可以口语演讲3分钟的英语小短文 关于青春的话题 不要烂大街的... 求英语口语考试3分钟短文:My friends 英语演讲三分钟 需要素材或思路或范文可以帮忙 3分钟英语演讲短文 英语口语课前演讲稿 3分钟以内 天秤座性格不合的三个星座 天秤座和什么星座不合 天生死对头 天秤座讨厌的6大星座? DNF合天空套出的透明的有什么作用?和别的有什么不同? 钉钉网络电话的问题 天秤座和什么星座不合? 六年级上册外方内圆公式是什么? dnf透明套有什么用 长篇完结修真小说 天平座和什么星座不合
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