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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 07:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 05:29

Bad eating habits can destroy our health,lots of diseases occur because of bad eating habits. There are lots of bad eating habits in our life which we always ignore.
  For example,Watching television while having meals or snacks .Doing this means you don't pay attention to your food, forget how full you are, and often eat too much.Having drinks rather than water.Fizzy drinks and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can cause weight problems.
  Water is important in making your brain cells and every organ in your body work properly.And eating in front of the computer and staying there after meals.
  These are only some of them. For the sake of our health.we should conquer all ofthese bad eating habits.

A good habit will really help us in our study and daily life.


I have studied in my middle school for three years.My life in middle school is rich and I have learned a lot. I get knowledge from text books as well as from extra curricular activities. I studied hard in the past three years so that I got perfect scores. But, I also at...


I hope our friendship would last forever.


we feel happy as we are. When we are sad, they try to cheer us up. Friendship is our necessity. It’s a warm feeling between you and your friends. This feeling makes you smile all the time. With friendship,


I often miss the old days. I used to play afetr the school. But now I have to do my homework, I have to study all day. And I go to bed really late. I often feel tired. I can tell you I used to fall asleep early, and I never fell tired. Oh,I pass the day!


We enjoyed ourselves,it is very tired,but we felt very value,there's a chance we 'll come back.上周末,我和我的朋友度过一个有意义的假期.为了了解农村的生活方式,去感受大自然的美.星期六早上,我们早早起床,早餐后,我们骑着自行车,到农村.一路上,我们欣赏不同的风景.空气很清新,鸟儿在...


September Hi Everybody .How's it going?I'll become a senior high school this September Hi Everybody .How's it going?I'll become a senior high school this September Hi Everybody .How's it going?I'll become a senior high school this September Hi Everybody .How's it going...


The morning fog was gradually disappearing when the sun rose in he east. All the things were clear again.我的晨雾体验 雾是一种自然现象。它通常出现在上午,所以人们叫它晨雾。这是今天星期二。我很早就起床,做一些慢跑像往常一样。当我走出大楼,我发现,我被雾包围了。我不知道我是否是在...


On Sunday morning, I’m going to the library or do my homework. And then, I’m going to listen to music. In the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. I like shopping very much.This is my happy and busy weekend. Do you like this weekend?


I saw the beach when I was in the bus, the water was so clean and there were so many people walked on the beach. When we found the hotel and dropped everything down, we went to the beach and had the barbecue, I played with my friends so happily. I realized my dream ...

几何e值得买吗 我英语80分左右总是上不去(100分满分)怎么办... 刚绣好的十字绣怎么洗?画过格的 台州温岭第一人民医院有儿科吗 北山职业技术学校有哪些专业? 在温岭市找一份夜里兼职的驶机工作我现白天在厂里开车,想多收入,找... ...网线连接了客厅的路由器再连接到电脑上,卧室用的是和客厅路由器分... ...器放在客厅看电视用,卧室里面我还得再牵一根网线怎么办? ...台式 路由器在客厅距离太远拉网线不方便 卧室里有网线插口 卧室的网 ... 在临海社保缴费了一年后离开没办转移,去宁波参加社保 后又回临海参加社... win10系统怎么改正文件修改时间 中考满分作文 ——翅膀(半命题作文) 怎样在win7的所有文件夹中右键菜单中统一增加“修改日期”排序项 人教版九年级英语课本第四单元4d怎样写成作文 人教版英语九年级作文第四单元,全部单词组成作文 在windows文件管理操作中,要查看文件或文件夹修改时间,查看方式应该选择? win7电脑 文件下面显示不了修改日期跟创建时间了。 以“乘着音乐的翅膀”为题作文600字以上 win 7下怎么更改文件的修改时间 烤番薯烤多久烤箱 windows系统文件时间属性 乘着音乐的翅膀 作文 3000字 windows 怎么修改文件时间 高级公共营养师的学习内容 光大银行信用卡怎么提升额度 什么是高级营养师 bl 什么是高级营养师 高级营养师的介绍 怎么提高光大银行信用卡的额度 史云逊高级营养系列产品有什么作用? win7 怎么修改文件的修改日期 改编《咱们当兵的人》围绕争创大陈,杭州清河中学的特色,我是八班的,所以题目已经把当兵改为八班了 九年级第四单元29页1d怎么写成作文 如何在Windows下修改文件时间戳 九年级英语第四单元作文带翻译 修筑24墙,每平方米用多少块砖? 写一篇以翅膀为话题的作文,要求有具体事例,600字 咱年级下册第四单元作文100多个字左右。 24墙一平方米需用砖多少 我最喜欢的一首歌《隐形的翅膀》作文 24空心墙一平方用多少砖? 砌24墙每平方米要多少砖水泥和沙子石灰 24空心墙一平方用多少砖 砌24墙一立方米平米需多少块砖和砂浆 记承天寺夜游正面写月的句子是 记承天寺夜游正面侧面描写 《记承天寺夜游》处处扣住“月"字来写。正面写月的句子是“_______" 记承天寺夜游正面描写月光的句子 记承天寺夜游中正面描写月的句子 喝了参汤为啥晚上睡不着
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