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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 07:15



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:01

While the past has been phased out of my youth, but they still occupy my memory. The long journey in life, I have taken every step of a deep imprint in their hearts.

Trance, my mind goes back to childhood. I saw a busy figure, it is hard-working mother; I saw a tired figure, it is for my mother's knitting warm clothing; I saw a cheerful figure, it is for my mother happy learning progress.

Hand, is now studying away from home often miss the mother's nagging, miss the mother's simple words. Whenever I feel lonely, bored, or bad, the first thought is the mother, the first object is also a wish to talk to his mother. Pick up the microphone Wang Dan's light came the familiar voice of his mother: "Do not save too much, and eat what is bought, the cold weather do not forget to wear extra clothes, money and the time on the phone to tell his mother put it up ....." These few but is repeatedly exhorted. I am the most beautiful moments in life, and her mother stayed in a beautiful time.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:02

While the past has been phased out of my youth, but they still occupy my memory. The long journey in life, I have taken every step of a deep imprint in their hearts.

Trance, my mind goes back to childhood. I saw a busy figure, it is hard-working mother; I saw a tired figure, it is for my mother's knitting warm clothing; I saw a cheerful figure, it is for my mother happy learning progress.

Hand, is now studying away from home often miss the mother's nagging, miss the mother's simple words. Whenever I feel lonely, bored, or bad, the first thought is the mother, the first object is also a wish to talk to his mother. Pick up the microphone Wang Dan's light came the familiar voice of his mother: "Do not save too much, and eat what is bought, the cold weather do not forget to wear extra clothes, money and the time on the phone to tell his mother put it up ....." These few but is repeatedly exhorted. I am the most beautiful moments in life, and her mother stayed in a beautiful time.
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