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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-01 07:16



热心网友 时间:2024-06-10 06:58






1. She nearly has no time to wait for you, she will only go to Canada by plane soon in several seconds.
2. In the morning in spring, Xiao Ji always paints his face brown, his son does not know who he is.
3. It is not an easy thing to go fishing on foot.
4. It is the boys favorite festival in one year on November 11.
5. Knowledge is power, having a meal is the strength.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-10 06:59






1.Almost no time to wait for you, she will take the plane to Canada only a few seconds .

2.In early spring,Xiao Ji always paint his face brown,so his son did not know who he is.

3.It's not a easy task for going fishing on foot.

4.November 11 is the holiday that boys like most in a year.

5.Knowledge is power, food is power.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-10 06:59

1.Almost no time to wait for you, she will take the plane to Canada only a few seconds .

2.In early spring,Xiao Ji always paints his face brown,so his son can't know who he is.

3.It's not a easy task for going fishing on foot.

4.November 11 is the holiday that boys like most in a year.

5.Knowledge is power, food is power.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-10 07:00

She barely has any time to wait for you as she will be leaving for Canada in a few seconds.

In the mornings ring spring, Xiao Ji always paints his face brown so that even his son does not recognize him.

Going to fishing by foot is not easy.

November 11th is boys' favorite annual festival.

Knowledge is power, eating gives you strength.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-10 07:00

1.She has little time to wait for you,she will go to Canada by plane in a few seconds.
2.In the mornings in spring,Ji always paints his face into brown,even his son doesn't know who he is.
3.Go fishing on foot isn't an easy thing.
4.November 11th is boys' favourite festival of a year.
5.Knowledge is power,having meals is the strength.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-10 07:01

1. She nearly has no time to wait for you, she will only go to Canada by plane soon in several seconds.
2. In the morning in spring, Xiao Ji always paints his face brown, his son does not know who he is.
3. It is not an easy thing to go fishing on foot.
4. It is the boys favorite festival in one year on November 11.
5. Knowledge is power, having a meal is the strength.
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