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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 01:02



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 01:28

中国货币市场基金投资结构与影响分析/The analysis of investment structure and impact

Money Market Funds, as a kind of open-end investment fund and new finance proct, emerge with development of the money market. As early as in 1970’s, money market funds was born in the US and developed remarkably fast in the following 20 years. It’s first rooting in China happened in early 2004, and takes up over 50% among all open-end investment funds after one and a half years of rapid growth. However, as Chinese money market has not come to maturity, particularly with few investment objectives, it happens that the investment structures and operational means are similar among indivial fund management firms ring their fund operation. Besides, in the early stage when money market funds was introced to China, the associated laws and regulations comparatively lagged, as a result that all fund management firms strengthened leverage control and extended investment objectives comprehensive ration to obtain high yields, while leading to risks increase on investors. The money market funds didn’t recover rationally until related authorities timely corrected the defects and negligence in the laws and regulations. This Paper is structured as follows: Section I General Brief introction of the investment fund first for its concept and categories and followed by introcing Money Market Funds (MMF) in terms of concept, category, correlations among all associated parties and its characteristics. Section II US MMF and Investment Objectives The creation and development process of the MMF in the US are reviewed and the reasons thereof are analyzed. In addition, the investment objectives of US MMF are introced. Section III MMF Development in China Firstly brief introction of the economic background when MMF emerged in China; Secondly, description of creation and development progress of the MMF in China; Thirdly, description of Chinese laws and regulations completion and revise in relation to the MMF; and Finally, description of development status of Chinese money market and basic investment instruments. Section IV Positive Study on Chinese MMF To analyze fund scale, rate of return, fund assets allocation, fund assets ration structure, fund liabilities and top 5 fund position categories and then summarize the characteristics appeared ring development of Chinese MMF. Section V Effect Analysis of the MMF To analyze effect of the MMF to bank instry, fund instry, investors, capital market, money market and monetary policy enforcement etc. Section VI Recommendations for Further Development of the MMF in China Applying the cointegration theory in relation to the time series analysis in the Econometrica, quantative analysis is made in the Paper for correlation between the trend of comprehensive 7-day based yearly rate of return and trend of 1-year ration central bank note interest. Also qualitative analysis is done for assets allocation, assets ration structure and liabilities of the MMF in China. Based on the analysis, it is observed that all Chinese MMF operation styles are highly similar. The general yields of the MMF reflect the operation status of Chinese money market. With the improvement of Chinese laws and regulations, the risks of the MMF are suppressed with the return also decreased.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 01:28


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