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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 05:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 20:00

hi,what's your name?My name is Mary.
my name is Gina.
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you,too!
how are you?
I’m fine,thank you.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 20:00

hi,what's your name?My name is Mary.
my name is Gina.
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you,too!
how are you?
I’m fine,thank you.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 20:00

hi,what's your name?My name is Mary.
my name is Gina.
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you,too!
how are you?
I’m fine,thank you.

I’m fine,thank you.


镜头一:Jack:Tom,who do you think the man with a yellow straw hat on the stool in front of the palm trees?Tom:I guess he must be a fortune teller.Jack:Are you sure?Tom:Yes,without a doubt. You see he is looking forward to talking to someone.Jack:Maybe you are ri...


旁白:Good morning everyone. I'm a bird . I live in a forest .Now, I will tell you a story about Mr. Tortoise and Miss Rabbit. In a very big forest, there lives many animals, like rabbit ,monkey ,dog, zebra, elephant and hone t Tortoise. Miss Rabbit is very proud of...


两人对话 A: Good evening! What can I do for you?B: I'm looking for a pair of black shoes.A: What size do you want?B: Size 10.A: Sorry, I afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. We've got some brown ones.B: Have you got any other ...


A:hey man,what's up?B:hey what's up man ,how're you doing?A:good,so what do you say we play some basketball?B:alright,but you'd better be careful,bastketball is my sport.A:yeah,I even saw the way you dribbled the ball(运球) and that reverse lay-up(拉杆上篮),...


Lynn: Hard to say it. There are always so many things to do in the ending of a semester.Dick: You got it. So many papers are waiting for me.Lynn: So, how is the CET6 last week?Dick: Oh no. Forget it. It just killed me in a cruelest way!Lynn: Ha. OK. But don...

急求一篇关于商务英语的对话(时间在3~5分钟类) 是以双方对话的形式哦...

A: How do you do? My name is Henry Brown. I'm from Anderson Trading Company. I've obtained your name and address from the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in Singapore.B: How do you do, Mr. Brown? I'm Xu Hao, Export Manager of Beli Daily Chemicals ...


all very well-known in the whole countries.Daughter:but I still keep thinking that going to people's university of Peking learns law, I feel that this suits me fine more and I have been wanting to be a judge, or is a lawyer.Father:But this school leave us too far here, ...

急求英语对话范文。要求:1,需要是两人自我介绍 。2 简单点 。3 包括...

Great! I am xx, nice to meet you too! I am 21, how old are you?I am 20. I am from Wenzhou, how about you?So fancy! We come from the same city! It is so happy to have a friend here.Yes, I think we will be good friends. What do you do in spare time?I ...


B well,life is boring ...A why ?what happened ?B i'm tired of my job now ...it's really painful to me !A hey,man,cheer up...B i know ,thank you ,but i just don't like it truely..A ok,so what job you want to do ?B im a salesman now ,but i wanna do...

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