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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 17:34



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 23:33

由Maggie Wheeler扮演
Maggie Wheeler:生于1961年8月7日
Year Title Role
1982 Soup for One Nurse
1983 Portfolio Assistant choreographer
1989 New Year's Day Lucy
1990 Mortal Sins Marie
1993 Sexual Healing Suzanne
1998 The Parent Trap Marva Kulp, Jr.
1990 L.A. Law "The Good Human Bar" Paula Lights
1991 Dream On "So Funny I Forgot to Laugh" Bonnie Decker
1992 Seinfeld "The Fix-Up" Cynthia
1992 Civil Wars "Mob Psychology" N/A
1992 Doogie Howser, M.D. "The Patient in Spite of Himself" Elena Spencer
1993 Danger Theatre "Phantom of Fashion" Charlotte Rave
1994 Friends "The One with the East German Laundry Detergent" Janice
1994 Friends "The One with the Monkey" Janice
1994 Friends "The One With The Candy Hearts" Janice
1994 The X-Files "Born Again" Detective Sharon Lazard
1995 Pride & Joy "Terror at 30,000 Feet" Flight attendant
1995 Friends "The One Where Heckles Dies" Janice
1996 Everybody Loves Raymond "I Love You" Linda
1996 Friends "The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding" Janice
1996 Friends "The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy" Janice
1996 Friends "The One with the Jam" Janice
1996 Everybody Loves Raymond "Standard Deviation" Linda
1996 Friends "The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel" Janice
1996 Friends "The One with the Flashback" Janice
1996 Friends "The One with the Race Car Bed" Janice
1996 Friends "The One with the Giant Poking Device" Janice
1997 Everybody Loves Raymond "The Letter" Linda
1997 The New Batman Adventures "Joker's Millions" Fake Harley
1998 Friends "The One with All the Rugby" Janice
1998 The Love Boat: The Next Wave "True Course" Cindy
1999 Friends "The One with Chandler's Work Laugh" Janice
1999 Everybody Loves Raymond "The Will" Linda
2000 Everybody Loves Raymond "The Tenth Anniversary" Linda
2000 Friends "The One with Ross's Library Book Janice
2000 Friends "The One with Unagi" Voice of Janice
2000 Pepper Ann "The Great Beyond"
Voices of Lady Astor and veterinarian
2001 Jack & Jill "Crazy Like a Fox, Hungry Like the Wolf"
Kirsten Moss
2001 Jack & Jill "Bag Full of Love" Kirsten Moss
2002 Will & Grace "Dyeing Is Easy, Comedy Is Hard" Polly
2002 Justice League "Fury: Part 1" Voice of Antiope
2002 Friends "The One With the Fertility Test" Janice
2002 Justice League "Fury: Part 2" Voice of firefighter
2002 Friends "The One Where Rachel Has a Baby: Parts 1 & 2" Janice
2002 Everybody Loves Raymond "Counseling" Linda
2002 Everybody Loves Raymond "Who Am I" Linda
2003 Everybody Loves Raymond "Who's Next" Linda
2003 Everybody Loves Raymond "Robert's Wedding" Linda
2003 Everybody Loves Raymond "The Surprise Party " Linda
2004 Friends "The One Where Estelle Dies" Janice
2004 Everybody Loves Raymond "Blabbermouths" Linda
2006 The War at Home "A Lower Middle Upper Middle Class Problem"
2007 How I Met Your Mother "Dowisetrepla" Margaret
2010 Archer "Training Day" Voice of Trinette


热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 23:33

Maggie Wheeler


热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 23:34

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