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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 16:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 06:13


As a transnational enterprise of garment manufacturer at home with its headquarters in international metropolis shanghai of China , Fory was founded in 1995 with integration of design and development and proction.

As a transnational enterprise of costume manufacturer at home with its headquarters in international metropolis shanghai of China , Fory was founded in 1995 and combines the design , development with proction.

As a multinational enterprise of clothing manufacturer at home with its headquarters in international metropolis shanghai of China , Fory was founded in 1995 and integrates the design , development with proction.

大学专业(University Professional) 中国大学共有13个学科,92个大学专业类,506个大学专业。13个学科分别是:哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、军事学、管理学、艺术学。 英文名以及对照如下: 哲学Philosophy马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism中国哲学Chinese Philosophy外国哲学Foreign P...

求英语专业的翻译 大学英语作业 不要有道词典那种翻译

Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not expend the substantial effort required to achieve it. Many people let the threat of failure stop them from trying with all of their heart. The secret of success is based upon a burning inward desire that fuels the...


在国外,一般来说,大学中的翻译专业,分口译和笔译两个专业。他们都是社科系的。所以,英语翻译专业是 bachelor of Social Science (Translating and Interpreting Studies),但听说也有学校是有翻译系的。如果是归属翻译系,则是bachelor of Translation and Interpretion....


Chinese people are required to have the family name before the given name. There are more than a billion names in China, so it is not unusual for people to introduce themselves by their first and last names even in casual situations. Historically, the popularity of names has chan...




大学英语二级 college English band 2 当代中国外交 contemporary Chinese diplomacy 电路原理Principles of Circuit 法律基础 Fundamentals of Law 高等数学A2 Higher mathematics A2 线性代数Linear Algebra 中国哲学智慧Chinese Philosophical Wisdom 大学体育3 College Physical Education 3 大学英语三级 College ...

学以博,行以敬,志以远 求专业翻译,英语

To learn extensively, to behave respectfully, to aspire loftily.


For example:the photoelectric effect.this was a puzzle in the early 1900s.when light hits a metal,like zinc,electrons fly off.this can happen only if light comes in little packets concentrated enough energy to knock an election loose.A spread-out wave wouldn't do the photoelectric...


高级英语 Advanced English 英语翻译 English Translation 语言学 Department of Languages 英美概况 English and American general situation 美国文学 American Literature 英文散文选读 English Proses Selected Readings 英语外贸函电 English Correspondence on Foreign Trade 毕业实习 Gradu...


a five year old boy fell and knocked on the emergency door when he was playing in the children's department on the 3rd floor. and the cut on his forehead caused from a nail on the door was about 2.5cm long. in that very day, after the docter's primary diagnoses they ...

大连公积金中山办事处在什么地方? 我是汕头市潮南区陇田镇东波村现住有线电视台后面有装宽带家里没有电 ... 汕头市1953年,1964年,1982年,1990年,2000年人口出生率和人口死亡率? 陇田镇乡镇概况 汕头历年出生人口 兴陇社区广东省汕头市潮南区陇田镇兴陇社区 田二社区广东省汕头市潮南区陇田镇田二社区 牙签遇到洗洁精的原理 多西他赛成分 横山智佐参与作品 急求关于价值链 或者产业链的外文翻译,毕业论文用,要求英文文献有1万单词左右,有中文翻译 临沂论坛的临沂论坛版块简介 "生态链"的英文怎么说? 英语翻译:产业规模 急 英语高手翻译:公司应加强与上游产业链的合作和积极影响下游客户。 外贸全产业链服务提供商 英语怎么说 ”上中游产业链”英文? 国内有成熟的手机产业链用英语怎么说? 产业链延伸的英文翻译 安卓开发对apk进行混淆,混淆后老是abcd的,能不能设置成其他内容 安卓实现代码混淆后部分机型无法启动点击图标无反应 react native 开发的Android APP能混淆加密吗? 润建通信(002929)可以长期持有吗 帮我猜猜字谜 睡觉突然喘不过气来是怎么回事 谁帮我想想这个字谜的谜底??? 如果一个男孩纸和你聊天时用少女心的表情,那他是什么意思? 女生这个表情是什么感觉? 这个qq表情叫什么?哪有下载的? 木材厂一个月多少工资 怎样在临沂在线上发布出租信息 河流的“上游”“下游”翻译成英语分别是? 军检包括哪些内容 请高手帮忙翻译,谢谢(中英) 朦胧山色镜中收的前一句是啥? 临沂房产交易网的网站特色 与“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”类似的句子有哪些? 临沂赶集网 军检主检检查什么 与落霞与孤鹜齐飞 秋水共长天一色类似的句子 赶集网临沂 罗志华的喧嚣城市里的孤独——悼罗志华 普通参军体检都检查什么? 高居翰的成就及荣誉 山东临沂兰山区哪里有网吧手续转让? 流淌古诗词怎么表达? 临沂好网 报考军校,考生体检项目包括什么内容? 央美美术史考研问题 美术史理论考研
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