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wear the mask 英文作文?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 09:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 07:01

New coronavirus is spreding in China.It's so harmful that more than one thousand people have lost their lives because of the disease that is caused by it.How can we prevent the virus to avoid catching the disease?Doctors tell us that the best way is to wear breathing masks.If we have to go out to do things,we must wear brething masks .We can not only protect ourselves but also protect others.As long as each of us does like this,we are sure to beat the disease to live a normal and happy life.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 07:01

wear the mask 英文作文?

New coronavirus is spreding in China.It's so harmful that more than one thousand people have lost their lives because of the disease that is caused by it.How can we prevent the virus to avoid catching the disease?Doctors tell us that the best way is to wear breathing masks.I...


Wearing a mask properly is really important, especially during the current pandemic. It's not just about catching the germs but also about preventing it from spreading too. Here's how to wear a mask correctly:First of all, wash your hands before putting on the mask. Use flowing...

请以my life on the haze days为题目写一篇英语作文,不少于100字_百度...

Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So it is necessary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out the resolution.If we trace the cause for haze weather ...


1, fog haze weather windows. Go out in the outside must wear masks, water more at ordinary times, can be multi bubble drink chrysanthemum tea wolfberry tea of this kind of traditional Chinese medicine, disease prevention, fruit consumption, from home to deep clean the skin and ha...

(Shape of my heart)的歌词翻译是什么?

The mask I wear is one 我只有一张面具 Well, those who speak know nothin'好吧,那些发言的人其实什么也不知道 And find out to their cost 他们最终会付出代价 Like those who curse their luck in too many places 就像有些人到处说自己不幸 And those who fear are lost还有那些退缩的人...


The mask so worn.他为了救那个小孩子戴着氧气面具冲进了着火的房子。He wore an oxygen mask and rushed into the firing house to save the child.在晚会上我们都戴着假面具,谁也认不出我们。We all wore masks at the party and no one knew who we were.在化装舞会上每个人都戴着假面具...


If we wear mask too long, when we take mask off we will find that our face is just look like the mask we wear.


口罩的英文是mask,以下是一些常用的用法和中英例句:We need to wear a mask in public places to prevent the spread of disease. - 在公共场所需要戴口罩,以防止疾病传播。Make sure to wash your hands before putting on a mask. - 在戴口罩之前一定要洗手。The mask should cover your nose...


The old man said wearily, "OK, OK, OK, I'll wear it. Hurry up and leave me alone." When the old man put on his mask, the security guard left. Here I want to say: we can't be like this old man, with bad attitude and without masks. It's for our good that such...


Please wear your mask.【mask用wear搭配的。。】Mask yourself please.【mask可以直接用作动词。】希望对您有所帮助~

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