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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 09:10



热心网友 时间:2024-02-20 19:24


非谓语动词主要包括to do, -ing和-ed三种形式,可是其用法非常广泛,它不仅是高考单项选择题测试的一个重点,而且也是完形填空、阅读理解、短文改错的重要考查内容。为了能更好地掌握非谓语动词的用法,笔者在教学实践中总结出十条实用的解题原则,并且还用相关的题目来解释这些原则。根据这些原则,相信同学们可以轻松地应对非谓语动词。


例1. _________ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.

A. Having been told B. Having told

C. He had been told D. Though he had been told

例2._________ many times, he still couldn’t understand it.

A. Having been told B. Having told

C. He had been told D. Though he had told




例3. ____________ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.

A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing


例4. __________, I really believe that I’d prefer not to make any change now.

A. Considered all the possibilities

B. Taking all the possibilities into consideration

C. Taken all the possibilities into consideration

D. Giving all the possibilities

解析:把。。。考虑进来结构为take sth into consideration,现在take后面有宾语all the possibilities,所以用-ing形式,答案为B。

原则三、being done 表示“正在被”,一般不作状语,只作定语。非谓语动词的完成时形式to have done或having done强调该动作发生在句子谓语动词之前

例5. __ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.

A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed

解析:根据句意“我们没有打通电话,就给他们发了个邮件”,没有打通电话应该发生在发邮件之前,所以用having done,答案为D。

例6. Tim Bemers-Lee is generally considered _____ the World Wide Web, on which all the information is shared by all.

A. to have founded B. having founded

C. founding D. to found

解析:根据句意,Tim Bemers-Lee创立万维网应该是过去的事情,而且be considered后面应该用动词不定式,所以应该用to have done,答案为A。

原则四、非谓语动词作定语时,表示将来用-to do,表正在进行用-ing,表示已经完成用-ed

例7. The play_____ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

A.proced B.being proced

C.to be proced D.having been proced

解析:根据本题中的时间状语next month,可知the play将要于下月被创作出来,表将来应该用to do,所以答案为C。

例8.The trees _____ in the storm have been moved off the road.

A. being blown down B. blown down

C. blowing down D. to blow down



例9. The discovery of new evidence led to ______________.

A. the thief having been caught B. the thief to be caught

C. catch the thief D. the thief being caught

解析:本题led to中的to是介词,后面应该用-ing形式,the thief作-ing的逻辑主语,所以答案为D。

例10. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks ____ could be heard outside the classroom.

A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed

C. being opened and closed D. to open and close

解析:本题the noise of中的of是介词,后面应该用-ing形式,desks作-ing的逻辑主语,所以答案为C。

原则六、-ing形式或to do可作主语或宾语,-ed形式则不可以

例11. ___________ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.

A. Caught B. Having caught C. Being caught D. To catch


例12 ___twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.

A. Examining B. Examined

C. Being examined D. Having been examined



例13Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______with his old one.

A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. compared

解析:“和。。。相比较”结构为be compared with,现在做句子的状语,所以只保留非谓语动词,把动词be去掉,答案为D。

例14 _______ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing

解析:“面对”结构为be faced with, 现在做句子的状语,所以只保留非谓语动词,把动词be去掉,答案为C。


例15. ____ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.

A. Being bitten B. Bitten C. Having bitten D. To be bitten

解析:本题考查非谓语动词作状语,其逻辑主语应和句子主语the postman一致,the postman应该是被咬,所以答案为B。

例16._______ in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring.

A. To walk. B. Walking C. Walked D. Having walked

解析:本题考查非谓语动词作状语,其逻辑主语应和句子主语he一致, he 和walk应该是主动关系,所以答案为B。

例17. While watching television, __________.

A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell rings

C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings


例18. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons ____ for the day.

A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished

解析:本题没有连词,所以后面应用非谓语动词,the lessons是非谓语动词的逻辑主语,和非谓语动词构成独立主格结构。根据句意应是“被完成”,所以答案为B。


例19._____, you need to give all you have and try your best.

A. Being a winner B. To be a winner

C. Be a winner D. Having been a winner


例20. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _______ the film stars had left.

A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told

解析:本句句意为“记者们匆匆赶到机场,却被告知明星们已经走了”,表出乎意料的结果常常用only to do,所以答案为B。

例21. The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, ________ in the natural light ring the day.

A. to let B. letting C. let D. having let

解析:本题句意为“玻璃门替换了木头门,自然光就进来了”,自然光进来时顺其自然的结果,所以用doing, 答案为B。

例22.How glad I am ___________ you!

A. seeing B. to see C. saw D. having seen

解析: 本题是I am glad to see you 的感叹句形式,to see you 是原因状语,答案为B。

原则十、 非谓语动词的否定原则是在非谓语动词前加not,有not to do, not doing, not having done, not to have done几种形式

例23______that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.

A. Not realized B. Not to realize

C. Not realizing D. Not to have realized

解析: 本题考查doing的否定形式not doing,答案为 C。

例24. What worried him most was ______ to visit his sick child.

A. his being not allowed B. his not being allowed

C. his not allowing D. having not been allowed

解析:本题考查being done的否定形式not being done; his 为not being done的逻辑主语,所以答


例25. Sarah has decided ________ away on holiday this summer.

A. don’t go B. to not go C. not going D. not to go

解析:本题考查to do的否定形式not to do, 所以答案为D。追问“这种不专业的题目”,那我问你,什么叫做专业的题目?我问你这四道题,只是希望你帮我弄清楚这四道题的答案。你却自以为是的以为我非谓语动词不懂,发了很大一段我都懒得看得非谓语动词上来。如果真的是非谓动不好的话,我自己会买本书去看的,而不是等着你。

热心网友 时间:2024-02-20 19:24

第一题 答案A,因为先行词桌子为被打开和被关上,和动词之间存在被动关系,因此选A;
第二题,选A,it's no use doing sth 意思是做某事没有用,其他三个单词和no 连用语法不对,语意不合题意;
第三题选B,in spite of 是尽管的意思,although 也是尽管,但是用法不对,even though 是甚至的意思,不合题意,nonetheless 意思是尽管如此,但用法不对;
第四题选B,relating to=be related to 为定语从句,修饰 polish tradition。connected with 意思是相连,本句子要表的意思是相关,不是相连!
第三,第四题我叫你解释四个词的区别,你就给我解释了一个,什么connected with 意思是相连?

热心网友 时间:2024-02-20 19:24

1 C desks的后置定语,正在被关上或打开的书桌的声音
2 A It is no use doing sth.
3 B , 排除法,ABC意思一样,A和C几乎一样的用法
4 B,现在分词做后置定语,D还需要一个with

热心网友 时间:2024-02-20 19:25

B.to be opend and closed 被动语态
A.use 根据单词的意思就可以判断 跟bill争论是没有用的 因为他从来不会改变他的想法

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1.这座山的高度是那座山的四倍(比那座山高三倍)注:倍数+the+名词 This mountain is four times the height of that mountain.2.这根绳是那根绳的三倍(比那根绳长两倍)This rope is three times the length of that rope.3.这辆小车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍 This small car is two ...

股票是什么是怎么玩的 股票是什么怎么交易 ...大声了经常会被下一跳,有时候连信息响也会吓一跳… adobe photoshop 剪切图片再拉图到另一张时候如何能自动适应大小。_百 ... vivox60输入法怎么设置双拼 用改名卡改cf空白名可以永久使用吗? CF游戏名,用改名卡怎么改空白名字。。。 如何自动计算工时? 现在cf用改名卡怎么改空白名啊 如何自动计算工时? is/was said/reported/believed/thought/known/ considered to have done的知识 Charles Babbage is generally considered __ the first computer. 有没有consider having done这种时态用法? be known to have done consider to have done和doing的区别? can not have done sth和be considered to have done sth和offer to do sth 的中文意思 ...发明了第一台计算机(be considered to have done) be considered to have done sth的中文意思 sth be considered be have done considered to do和considered to have done怎么区分 减肥的时候吃水果罐头会发胖吗? 自己家做的黄桃罐头吃了会发胖吗? 早晨吃了家家红的240克黄桃罐头会胖吗。罐头汁也喝了。 晚上吃水果罐头会发胖吗。看它的营养成分表。脂肪是0啊 黄桃罐头的热量高吗?会发胖吗? 减肥期间早上吃水果罐头会发胖吗 晚上吃橘子罐头会长胖吗?倩狐 吃黄桃罐头会发胖吗 奇乐果园水果罐头吃了长肉吗 吃水果罐头会胖吗 have you considered changing consider doing consider sb/sth as sth consider sb to be consider sb to have done分别是什么意思 62题 不定式to do表示的是已经发生的事情的全过程啊 怎么能选to have done呢? to have done 和haing done有什么区别?都是主动语态,都是发生在谓语之前 consider to do sth 还是 consider doing sth? consider as 和consider to be 的区别 to have invented 和having invented 用法的区别 虾酱最经典的6种吃法 和网友发生了关系我该怎么办 和男朋友发生了性关系我怎么办 和一个男的发生关系了怎么办? 和男人发生了性关系,我们女人该怎么办? 和女孩之间发生关系了怎么办? 一个手机可以同时登录2个吗?- 问一问 一个手机如何同时登录两个? 一部手机能不能同时用两个 如何在手机上同时登录两个 一个手机号可以同时绑定两个吗? 同一台手机可以同时登录两个吗 oppo手机可以同时登陆两个吗
  • 焦点


