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请高手写一篇paragraph,读完"Morning has broken"的感受,250-300英文单字左右.(参考诗歌在补充问题里面)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 05:12



热心网友 时间:2024-03-17 10:12

Morning has broken, by Eleanor Farjeon leaves its audiences a feeling of delicacy. The poem’s beginning is clever by beginning with a rhyme: the technique which, throughout the entire piece, Farjeon applied to suitable locations using the sequence AABB in all three passages. This brings to the piece a connection throughout, and prevented it from being scattered. The poem is noticeably thematic, surrounding the concept of a new morning, which is common as it arrives everyday in our daily life. However, with the description of the bird’s singing, the rain fall, the dew on the grass, and the sunlight, the morning in this poem has a sense of fantasy. It brought to me a relaxing image of a delightful and perfect morning, just as the first morning was, just as every new morning the god creates. It can remind us the enjoyable details of a morning, which can commonly be ignored in our busy daily life. The poem recognizes the beauty of nature, not by exploring special locations of the world, but simply a new morning, which surround our daily life, which we continue to witness but not in fact see.The poem is not consisted of numerous difficult vocabulary words, but in the way Farjeon weaved the comparably words together using alliterations, rhyming, personification, and metaphors, the poem is deep just the way it is.One thing that a reader might notice is that, throughout the entire poem, there are evidence of religious values. For example, the use of “praise” in all three passages. Regardless, Morning Has Broken is an enjoyable and delicate poem in which, Farjeon added another layer of understanding to a simple concept of a new day’s arrival.

花了我半个多小时来打orz 我算了下,280字。 希望可以帮到你^^
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