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翻译write a reply and answer his questions.asksimi

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 21:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 12:48

write a reply and answer his questions ask simiar question to him

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 12:48


热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 12:49


热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 12:49

写一封回信 ,回答他的问题,对他问类似的问题
Read the following letter and write a reply to help the troubled...

write a reply to help the troubled boy 翻译:读下列字母写了回信来帮助陷入困境的男孩 Dear Dr Helper,Hi!I have made many friends in my school.We are getting along very well.But one day,one of my friengds lost 100 yuan.He thought I had taken his money and he told others ab...


and a member of the this ordinary appear some introverted young, however because often interview some people and things and have the opportunity to communicate with more people, and the world happening have more attention. My

你好!麻烦你个事!麻烦告诉我新概念英语二册练习册第7-9课 答案,谢谢你...

Now fill the blanks in these questions with the correct prepositions – and answer them with true facts about yourself.用正确的介词填空,然后根据自己的真实情况回答下列问题。1. What are you doing at the moment? I have a rest.2. Where will you be in August? I’m in my horse.3. Will yo...




2.He has a doubting nature. You have to be very very clear and open in your dealings with him. Still he will always have doubts and keep asking you questions. But you will have to answer those questions without getting irritated.他生性多疑,跟他的交易你必须非常清楚、公开的。

初三英语unit 1全文GO FOR it UNIT 1 全文+翻译、、

Ask the Ss to read 3a and write “T” or “F”. 2. Exchange ways of learning English. Topic of Class Meeting: Please share your good ways of learning English with others. Ways, Feelings, Results Write a passage about how you learn English. e.g. It is not easy to learn ...


- The second section: Clearly state the reason for the leave and apologize for any inconvenience caused.- The third section: Write a sentence hoping for approval of the leave or specify the time to wait for a reply.4. Model examples:(1)Sep.28Dear Mr. Peter,I would like to know if I...



This is my first letter to a foreigner, and also to a great film star. Maybe my letter isn't well written, but I believe You won't refuse to write back because of this.我喜欢哈利波特,我也喜欢你。I like Harry Porter. I also like you.喜欢哈利的勇敢,哈利的诚实,哈利的...


26. A. nearby B. far C. further D. farther 26. A. 附近的 B. 远的 C. 较进一步的 D. 更远的 27. A. old B. improved C. impossible D able 27. A. 旧的 B. 改良的 C. 不可能的 D 聪明的 28. A. ask B. answer C. satisfy D. question 28. A. 问 B . 回答 C....

抽动症的小孩子应该多吃什么啊? 爬山虎的脚主要讲了爬山虎什么内容? oversize衬衣怎么穿搭 下课后,同学们在操场上做什么? 四川和运机械有限公司公司实力 人体含水量百分比最高的器官是( ) 翡翠玉镯要怎么去识别是不是a货翡翠玉镯真假的鉴别方法 怎么分辨翡翠玉镯的真假 分辨翡翠玉镯真假的方法 我是一位高一女生,快要分班了,语数英三科100以上,物理不及格,化学80... 新异教观点 翻译逐句的! You speak,write a letter,and make a telephone call. Ask and αnswr.Then wrⅰte.是什么意思? I want you to write to your mother and ask 什么意思? Dear Peter, I'd like to ask you短文翻译 新标准英语第五册课堂活动用书中的三单元的Askandanswer,thenwriteaboutyou怎么做 请教几个英语词组! ask and answer。thenwrite。怎么读? askandanswerandwritep46一4.中文是什么意思.百度作业帮 ask ans wer and write的中文怎么写 ask,answerandwrite的汉语意思 什么叫做本振信号? 小孩一会一尿是怎么回事 小孩尿不尽 十岁左右的小孩尿多是什么原因?不停的拉尿 大连哪里烫头发好呢? 小孩子尿不停是怎么回事 主啊‘我爱你 哪里烫头烫的好? 前几年刘若英为什么要离开滚石? Which animal do your friends like best?Why?Ask three of them and write down their answers like this 小米三配置参数 请问小米3移动版的外形尺寸是多少? 小米三参数 米3电信版参数 加油站加油机使用年限 托肯恒山加油机的使用年限为? 有这样一个需求,在.net中需要将oracle数据库里的一张表加密,在取出来时... 中石油有关加油机使用年限的规定 ladle和spoon的区别? iphone码片是什么意思? 服装牌子logo是个9但有点像一个长发女孩 三星手机的码片是什么? "兜"的意思 - 兜是何意? 正星加油机一般用几年 什么是电池码片,有码片的电池和其他电池有何区别 请问这是什么牌子的包?淘宝有卖的吗 4个“9”,转换不同方向,组成的LOGO 苹果4s主板上的码片起什么作用? 电脑右下方突然出现了一个黑色小框里有一个9的标志,点击也打不开什么东西,不知道是什么? 什么叫电池码片
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