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英语作文I want to invent

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 19:30



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 14:08

What I want to invent is a wearable technology jacket. It can adjust human body’s temperature and it is not heavy at all.

This wearable technology jacket has a temperature–condition system.

The fabric is made by mixing jean with a special material called silicon. This kind of fabric is softened in order to make people who wear it feel comfortable.

The battery of this system is very small, and put in the collar. It’s safe because its voltage is only 5V and the fabric is electronic–proof.

There is a knob put in the left wristband. It is used to set the temperature. People set the temperature and then in a few seconds, the jacket’s temperature becomes exactly the same.

This function is achieved by my circuit. The circuit I want to design is very intricate and integrated on a chip-- we can call it Integrated Chip. The IC is not soft, so I set it in an interlayer pocket in the front side of the jacket. This IC has three functional parts: sensor, signal processor and an output isolator. The sensor collects the actual temperatures of the silicon all over the fabric, and then it passes this information to the signal processor. The signal processor compares the actual temperature of the jacket and the temperature set by people, then it outputs a voltage to adjust the temperature of silicon, which means to adjust the temperature of the jacket.

So, this is what I want to invent. This idea comes from a project I am doing right now. In my opinion, this invention can be very mea ningful and perhaps some day I might make lots of money out of it.
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