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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-12 03:03



热心网友 时间:2024-05-01 00:32

Last weekend,I went for an outing with my classmates.At 7:30 in the morning,we met at our school gate.We went to the North Hill Park by bike.On the way,we were so excited that we sang loudly.When we arrived there,we started to climb the hill at once.We had a picnic on the top of the hill.After that,we walked down the path and had a rest.Later,some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily.We didn’t go back until 4:00 p.m..We were tired but very happy.
我和我的朋友周末去干什么用be going to英语作文

I was very busy last weekend,on saturday morning ,I visted my grandparents and helped them clean the room,in the afternoon,I went to the bookstore to buy some books;on sunday,I washed many clothes in t...


I had a happy weekend last week.On Saturday morning,I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes.In the afternoon,I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine,my parents’ and my brother’s.On Sunday,...




Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a piic.We bought some cakes with us for lunch.We left quite early before there was too much traffic.After about two hours we came to a nice place.It was...


我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 个人原创: I went to the zoo with my friends last weekend.We all were very happy when getting there.We had a good time that day. Firstly,we went to see deer.I think it ...



上个周末我和好朋友李平怎样度过英语作文 七年级作文

Last Saturday, I went to the zoo and LiPing .That morning, the weather was fine. We decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient. To the zoo, originally planned with the animals according...

英语作文 如:我的老师 我的朋友 上个周末 这个周末怎么安排

我的朋友(要爱好、长相、年龄、性格)上个周末(上午看书和写作业。中午打扫房间。下午去踢足球)周末安排(早上去图书馆看书、中午看望外祖父母、下午购物) 最好用小学写过的单词来写、文字比较易懂、语句通顺、要时态准确、我急用参考 ...


What I Did on the Weekend 我在周末做了什么 English:This weekend, I had a great time engaging in various activities. On Saturday morning, I met up with my friends for a brunch at a cozy café. We ...

我和我的朋友周末去用by going to英语作文

I'm going to have a busy weekend! I'm going to visit grandparents on Saturday morning. I'm going to do homework on Saturday afternoon. I'm going to watch TV on Saturday evening. I'm going to play ...

怎么注销铁路12306账号? 京东企业家冻结资金怎么取出 微信怎么改支付方式 退出的qq群怎么恢复 微信如何切换白天模式 胶带开十字锁方法 京东金卡有啥用 密码重置是什么 excel中的表格中的文字如何设置居中 honor手机空间不足怎么办 清理存储空间 上周末干了什么的英语作文 用6个时间连词个造一个句子英语初二英语 邯郸有什么好玩的亲子乐园? 没与热水反应产生氢气的化学方程式 西红柿蛋花汤的做法紫菜蛋花汤的做法 谁有关于RTA徐浩的QQ网名和个性签名???告诉我噻~ 有谁知道朱元冰的QQ号。 朱元冰,叶子淳,刘俊琌、的qq是多少 朱元冰QQ是 ...徐浩 朱元冰的名字设计几个QQ网名和网名相对的QQ签名 嘴角溃烂,有许多眼屎,这说明身体哪里出了毛病? 产婆术式辩论技术是怎样的? 合理情绪疗法中常用的修通技术包括 心理学中的“产婆术”怎样用在实际?具体的含义又是什么呢?合理情绪疗 ... 产婆术是哪种疗法的常用技术? 我快要体育中考了,但是髌骨脱位了,韧带大概率断了? 我把注销后对方发消息给我会显示什么? 把注销了,对方发消息过来怎么办 我把注销对方发消息给我会显示什么 我把注销后,好友那里显示什么? 投资33500是什么项目我所在的城市,绵阳市,这里好多人都在做,这个项目... 乐山到内江要几小时 乐山到内江 肇事逃逸死亡一人能判缓刑吗 我想问下仓鼠厉害还是老鼠厉害? 老鼠跑那么快,仓鼠怎么不咱跑。 n型半导体中单位体积中的电子数n等于? 从河北医科大学第一医院到绿洲公园石家庄绿洲公园怎么走 关于掺杂对材料导电特性的影响 为什么在本征态下半导体的电阻率最大? 我的学校生活真的很精彩 用英语怎么说 一个号码怎么注册两个码 一个手机号码是否可以申请两个? 一个手机二个怎么弄 三七炖鸽子加什么好处三七炖鸽子要加哪些东西对身体有好处 计算机中级资格证个四级证有什么区别? 计算机四级证书就相当于中级程序员证吗 手动挡一档挂不上档是什么情况? 计算机四级的网络工程师和中级职称二级的网络工程师是一样的吗?不是... ...经过所在单位同意,又考上其他地方的编制教师,我该咋提我的档案...
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